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Czech Elves : Эльфы : Форум : Для Sony Ericsson патчи эльфы моддинг прошивка
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  #311 [17.01.08, 00:46] Czech Elves   

My Elves:

NameDay1-6 v1
NameDay1-6 v2
Nameday source
-cut 1-6 month and 7-12 month, beacause restart phone
-Turn off: press 10x on/off buttons in one minute and after one minute it turns off
-don't turn on both v1 and v2
-under the operator logo
-in the operator logo place
-you have to have enable operator logo in layout

Light v1
Light v2
-if you press +/- in Stanby, it works normally
-if you press +/- in MediaPLayer, it works normally
-if you press CAMERA button in CameraMode, it works normally
-else it coordinate intensity
-short press CAMERA SHOT turn off or turn on
-turn off: on/off tuns of whole elf
-turn off: is not possible
-long press SHOT button

KeySound v1
-when you press button in Standby it plays sound from /card/MSSEMC/Media files/audio/key
- 0.mp3 - 9.mp3; r.mp3; z.mp3
- it only woks in Standby, turn on sound and not keylocked

Icb v1 - IntelligentClockBattery
-seconds, battery
-hours, minutes, seconds added 0, for example: 01, 02
-border about battery
-in icb.ini, you can change all color. Hex code of color is in package.
-put icb.ini int other/ini/icb.ini same as bookmanager
-Turn off: is not possible

HeapMemory v1
-show free heap with comma and in MB

MasterElf v1
-ICB, HeapMemory,Vibra, Temperature and Svatky
-you can switch between this elves
-To enter the menu press VOL - and numbers(1-5) turn on each elve
-at the settings screen you can see working elves
-to disable settings, press VOL - again
-can't turn off

-ini settings

-show HEX code of Key
-turn on/off

Countdown Restarter
-restarts mobile in selecting period in seconds
-start the elf, select the time with Vol +/- on the mainscreen and press PLAY to start countdown
-you can turn off


Up to date information you can find here:

[ Редактировано Boogey в 21.3.08 10:43 ]

Jabber: boogey@jabbim.cz '<a href="http://netlab.cz/status/bulb/online.png" target="_blank">'.basename('http://netlab.cz/status/bulb/online.png').'</a>' (prefered)
SE-Tuning conference: se-tuning@conf.netlab.cz '<a href="http://netlab.cz/status/bulb/online.png" target="_blank">'.basename('http://netlab.cz/status/bulb/online.png').'</a>'
ICQ: 286-799-529 '<a href="http://netlab.cz/status/icq/online.png" target="_blank">'.basename('http://netlab.cz/status/icq/online.png').'</a>'



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  #312 [24.04.08, 04:41] Re: Czech Elves   


Motorola EM30


VIP Developer

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  #313 [24.04.08, 11:28] Re: Czech Elves   

can you say to author.
1. There is a func in library GetDir, in returns a path. This func is model dependent. You need to use it for multi-platform support.
2. Instead of constant values of key-codes you need to use KEY_DIGITAL_0 (and for example offset to get digital key (KEY_DIGITAL_0+4 = key 4, KEY_DIGITAL_0+10 = key star)), KEY_LEFT_SOFT, KEY_RIGHT_SOFT and other. The full list you can find in /include/DYN_ext.h

K700->W810->W850->W705 & W995 (cid81)
Спасибо за пожертвования:
Resp, ploik, BanditNN, AlexTin, polza, romanchenko, Ryabchik, Ax, [b]Desp



Регистрация: 20.1.08
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  #314 [24.04.08, 11:48] Re: Czech Elves   

Блин, а у меня рубутиться :( все в телефоне, в ZBin, в либе все функции есть! А все равно ребитит :( В чем проблема кто нить знает?

Не тыкать! | я SЕ W580i R8BE001



Регистрация: 26.1.08
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  #315 [24.04.08, 12:09] Re: Czech Elves   

IronMaster пишет:
2. Instead of constant values of key-codes you need to use KEY_DIGITAL_0 (and for example offset to get digital key (KEY_DIGITAL_0+4 = key 4, KEY_DIGITAL_0+10 = key star)), KEY_LEFT_SOFT, KEY_RIGHT_SOFT and other. The full list you can find in /include/DYN_ext.h

i looked at the elf in IDA - it does not use KEY_DIGITAL_0, so numbers are wrong on db2020 (i found i could fix that with a hex editor), but it does use KEY_RIGHT_SOFT and KEY_ENTER, yet those two keys still don't work :-?


Свой в доску

Регистрация: 19.8.07
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  #316 [24.04.08, 13:02] Re: Czech Elves   

Where must be put files *.sna and spectrum.rom in phone W850?

[ Редактировано jamesbond22 в 24.4.08 11:04 ]

Sе XPeria X8 ROM 2.3.5 GingerDX v008



Регистрация: 26.1.08
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  #317 [24.04.08, 22:10] Re: Czech Elves   

the author of the spectrum elf has made the source available, so i've tweaked it slightly.

i still can't figure out why KEY_ENTER and KEY_RIGHT_SOFT aren't responding on k800 (and other db2020?), but i've made it so that as well as those keys, you can also use KEY_GAME_A (the top left button above the screen on k800) or KEY_VOL_UP (volume up) to enter the menu, and KEY_GAME_B (top right button) or KEY_VOL_DOWN (volume down, obviously) to select menu items and as "fire" in the game.

i've tweaked it so that the game display is better centred vertically on the screen, rather than being pushed toward the bottom and losing part under the menu bar thing. i based this on the 240x320 screen, i don't know if this adjustment will work properly on phones with smaller displays. try it and see i guess.

now you can get in the menus, you can configure the display (size and rotation) and the joystick (type and rotation).
on k800 i like the look of it with the screen rotated 90 degrees, so you can use the joystick with your right hand and the "game a & b" buttons with your left. sadly it seems that rotating the screen slows it down a bit more. if you rotate the screen, you'll probably want to rotate the joystick to match.
you'll find different games need different joystick type settings (eg, pacman uses "cursor", dizzy uses "kempston").

i got too lazy to properly fix the elf to use the right path on different phones, so i've made two versions, one that uses /usb/other/... and one that uses /tpa/user/other/... - i haven't tested the latter.

edit: added my source. the original source is here

oh, i'd also like to suggest that the author looks into using the Drz80 core (z80 emulation in arm assembly) for more speed :)
(i can't speak czech so if someone could pass the suggestion on that would be cool)

[ Редактировано hippydave в 24.4.08 22:26 ]

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

Z80_4ever_hippy_usb.zip Z80_4ever_hippy_usb.zip (23.05 kb; 41 hits) Скачать файл
Z80_4ever_hippy_tpa.zip Z80_4ever_hippy_tpa.zip (23.05 kb; 32 hits) Скачать файл
Z80_4ever_hippy_src.zip Z80_4ever_hippy_src.zip (37.77 kb; 31 hits) Скачать файл



Регистрация: 25.4.08
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  #318 [25.04.08, 01:28] Re: Czech Elves   

New version (1.01) is available here.

* better file loading (more compatibility)
* more compatible keyboard handling
* configuration by ini file
* instructions on startup

to hippydave:
1.) Can you send me (contact on page linked above) some screens how does it look on bigger screen (than my k750's 176x220), so I can uncover the alignment problem.
2.) Where I can get the sourcecode of Drz80 you've mentioned.

[ Редактировано sustmi в 24.4.08 23:29 ]



Регистрация: 26.1.08
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  #319 [25.04.08, 03:09] Re: Czech Elves   

hi - sorry, i didn't manage to register on se-tuning.cz

240x320 screens:

in my modified version i changed the following line in render.c:
renderSettings.dest_y = Display_GetHeight(0) - 70;

and it looks like this:

version 1.01 is good - the file path detection works, and the number keys are mapped correctly. but the KEY_ENTER and KEY_RIGHT_SOFT still aren't working, i can't figure out why this is. until you manage to fix that, maybe you could put settings in the .ini to define which keys to use for menu and enter/fire?

the DrZ80 source is available here - it's in a folder in the .zip file for the DrMD source.

[ Редактировано hippydave в 25.4.08 03:13 ]



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  #320 [25.04.08, 09:56] Re: Czech Elves   

подскажите пожалуйста какое именно имя тут надо прописявать (это путь к какому файлу)?
;    Set name of default rom file
;    The whole path to this file will be: MAIN_FOLDER_PATH/MAIN_FOLDER_NAME/ROM_NAME
;    If not set, application will use spectrum.rom as default
;[ROM_NAME]: spectrum.rom

Sе K790 R8BF003 & SеW800 R1BD001

Joker XT

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  #321 [25.04.08, 10:12] Re: Czech Elves   

Если у тебя файл называется spectrum.rom, то ничего не трогай =)

SE C901 [R1GA028]
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