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W595 SW-R3EF001 : Патчи A2 : Патчи : Форум : Для Sony Ericsson патчи эльфы моддинг прошивка
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Куратор(ы) темы: ThilinaDaRkMaN


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Регистрация: 19.8.07
Сообщений: 1764
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  #311 [19.08.09, 19:01] W595 SW-R3EF001   

Отдельная ветка патчей для W595 SW-R3EF001

1. Правила оформления патчей смотрим в теме Оформление патчей
2. Обсуждение работоспособности патчей в теме Обсуждение патчей A2
3. Запросы о портировании патчей в теме Идеи и запросы патчей А2
4. Far cxc patcher для патчения *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке
5. SEFP2 для заливки патченых *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке

For creators and porters of patches, you must look the first post and use free space according the list (don't look the last post and add 0x10 in your patches). Sreenshots and patches description must be in english or russian. Any post without this features will be deleted.

Те кто портирует патчи смотрим учет в первом посте, а не по последнему патчу!
Все кривые патчи, патчи с неправильно оформленной шапкой или с не правильно взятом замейном будут удаляться, а авторы наказаны!
По возможности выкладываем скрины к патчам.
Не умеешь портировать не лезь!

Все патчи вы ставите на свой страх и риск!

2012.03.28 last updated
Used space list


*In list XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX - FREE are parts where is free for code and use those spaces instead using space from end till these ends.

Mismatching patches

latest en.lng file

[ Edited by Thilina в 28.3.12 11:40 ]

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

en.rar en.rar (151.18 kb; 85 hits) Скачать файл

Sе XPeria X8 ROM 2.3.5 GingerDX v008
Спасибо сказали: Zormax, Danik, D3mon, Desperanto, vodoo999, TahaSpawn, H0sseiN, DjRedOFF, kubus92, laurafarsas, radwkw31, mc_kibel, modder101, Olegat0r, Thilina, willi_flow, E1kolyan, antoniomun, thomassafca, centrumse, D-SHEL, skill_boy, michel1907, BrghtnsS, DaRkMaN, -DeJaVu-, juhu07, LathandredCrusader, Veronicus, farid, MiFa, SIRIUS-SE, a7b7, biems, omdhar, josthyn05, buhh83, Se-MaG, piotrekk6, a6b6, Эриксон62, LoDark, SEREGAW595, STRANGERIGOR



Регистрация: 10.12.09
Сообщений: 72
Репутация: 351
Откуда: Cancun/Mexico

  #312 [18.11.10, 21:19] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Añadir icono en la prueba del micrófono (Servicio > Pruebas serv. > Micrófono)
;Add icon in the test of microphone (Service > Service Tests > Microphone)
;(c) anarkes
;(p) DaRkMaN

Sе W595 SW-R3EF001 BROWN \ Patches \ Elf Pack \ FS Full Mod \ Walkman 4.0 \ and much more...
Respect: den_po, IronMaster, K790Alex, Ploik, blacklizard, anarkes, supertrubka.org and topsony.com



Регистрация: 10.12.09
Сообщений: 72
Репутация: 351
Откуда: Cancun/Mexico

  #313 [19.11.10, 20:56] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Add the number of Tasks in the title
;Add icon to title
;Change GUI Style
;(c) anarkes & thomassafca
;(p) DaRkMaN

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Add the number of Tasks in the title
;Add icon to title
;Change GUI Style
;+Change item style
;+Ability to select item with numeric keys
;(c) anarkes & thomassafca
;(e,p) DaRkMaN

Sе W595 SW-R3EF001 BROWN \ Patches \ Elf Pack \ FS Full Mod \ Walkman 4.0 \ and much more...
Respect: den_po, IronMaster, K790Alex, Ploik, blacklizard, anarkes, supertrubka.org and topsony.com



Регистрация: 10.12.09
Сообщений: 72
Репутация: 351
Откуда: Cancun/Mexico

  #314 [20.11.10, 20:13] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Selection Style and Mode GUI in Calls
;-Style Menu -> Style 1/Style 2/Style 3/Style 4
;-Mode GUI -> Fullscreen/Normalscreen/ActivityStyleMenu
;-Is Added information in items Style Menu and Mode GUI
;-Not need edit languaje
;Choose a "Style Menu" and "Mode GUI" here: Calls -> Options
;(i) Not Incluyed tab Call Logger in calls
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) DaRkMaN

Sе W595 SW-R3EF001 BROWN \ Patches \ Elf Pack \ FS Full Mod \ Walkman 4.0 \ and much more...
Respect: den_po, IronMaster, K790Alex, Ploik, blacklizard, anarkes, supertrubka.org and topsony.com
Спасибо сказали: michel1907



Регистрация: 10.12.09
Сообщений: 72
Репутация: 351
Откуда: Cancun/Mexico

  #315 [23.11.10, 04:39] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Show in fullscreen the test of Accelerometer in Service Tests
;(c) DaRkMaN
10FADBDE: 0121 0421

Sе W595 SW-R3EF001 BROWN \ Patches \ Elf Pack \ FS Full Mod \ Walkman 4.0 \ and much more...
Respect: den_po, IronMaster, K790Alex, Ploik, blacklizard, anarkes, supertrubka.org and topsony.com
Спасибо сказали: michel1907



Регистрация: 10.12.09
Сообщений: 72
Репутация: 351
Откуда: Cancun/Mexico

  #316 [28.11.10, 22:02] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Change style of "Vibrating alert" test in Service tests
;(c) thomassafca
;(p) DaRkMaN

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Add the number of Notes in the title of Notes
;Add icon in title
;Change GUI Style
;(c) thomassafca, thanks to anarkes!
;(p) DaRkMaN

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Additional Shortcuts and StuffPlayer in the Walkman
;-Is added Menu "Shortcuts":
;->FM Radio
;-Is added Menu "Stuff Player"(elfs):
;->MusicTagger ELF (/usb/other/ZBin/MusicTagger.elf)
;->MusicWidget ELF (/usb/other/ZBin/IMW.elf)
;->ClearBass ELF (/usb/other/ZBin/Clearbass.elf)
;->SongChanger ELF (/usb/other/ZBin/A2SongChanger.elf)
;->Visualizacion ELF (/usb/other/ZBin/Visualization.elf)
;-Is added information in items Shortcuts and Stuff Player
;-Link MusicTagger to current song in Walkman
;(i) Should edit LNG file:
;0x1A0 - "Additional Shortcuts in Walkman"
;0x1A1 - "Fast access to ELFS in walkman"
;v. 2
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) DaRkMaN

Sе W595 SW-R3EF001 BROWN \ Patches \ Elf Pack \ FS Full Mod \ Walkman 4.0 \ and much more...
Respect: den_po, IronMaster, K790Alex, Ploik, blacklizard, anarkes, supertrubka.org and topsony.com
Спасибо сказали: PulseDrive, skill_boy, thomassafca



Регистрация: 23.7.08
Сообщений: 126
Репутация: 1374
Откуда: Старый Оскол

  #317 [04.12.10, 23:43] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Возможность включать/выключать датчик освещённости
;Настройки/Яркость/Функции/Датчик освещ.
;(c) IronMaster
;(e,p) Se-MaG

Учёт занятого места: 

[ Редактировано Se-MaG в 21.4.11 18:50 ]

J20i R7CA065
W595i R3EG004 Orange
K750i R1CA021
Спасибо сказали: josthyn05, MiFa, Sandre, DaRkMaN, Happy, michel1907, pavelsh



Регистрация: 13.10.09
Сообщений: 29
Репутация: 156

  #318 [05.12.10, 20:39] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 R3EF001 GEN
;Change Right Softkey in Standby to "GoTo Shortcut".
;Items: Inbox, Music player, Alarms, Calendar, Profiles, Bluetooth
;Added icon on Items list (idea by madfish)
;Added Alarm State(Time: Hour.Minutes) at 2ndLine of Alarm item
;Added Date state(Date-Mon-Year) at 2ndLine of Calendar item
;Added Active Profile at 2ndLine of Profiles item
;Added Bluetooth state(On-Off) at 2ndLine of Bluetooth item
;Improved code
;v 1.5
;(!) You must add new item to menu.ml (Goto_Shortcut_Id)
;<element id="Goto_Shortcut_Id">
; <label type="name">
; <text>Goto Shortcut</text>
; </label>
; <link type="internal" />
; </element>
;(c) farid
;(r) supertrubka.org
;(p) Madfish
;right softkey

1279F080 - 1279F710: Change Right Softkey in Standby to "GoTo Shortcut"

[ Edited by Madfish в 5.12.10 21:44 ]

Спасибо сказали: thomassafca, michel1907, BrghtnsS, Thilina



Регистрация: 10.12.09
Сообщений: 72
Репутация: 351
Откуда: Cancun/Mexico

  #319 [07.12.10, 22:01] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Selection menu style in all OneOfMany Windows
;Change GUI in all OneOfMany windows (Fullscreen, Normal Screen)
;Ability to select item with numeric keys in OneOfMany windows
;Choose a style/GUI OneOfMany here:
;Main Menu -> Options ->OneOfMany
;(c) Juhu07
;(r) k790Alex, ZEN
;(e) Antoniomun
;(p) DaRkMaN
;What edited?
;Add item in Oneofmany GUI (ActivityMenuStyle)
;add info for options OneOfMany Gui and OneOfMany Style.
;replaced the text in the patch for using labels in *.lng
;(!) You must add the following tag in the *. lng:
;0x32DA - "Style 1"
;0x32DB - "Style 2"
;0x32DC - "Style 3"
;0x32DD - "Style 4"
;0x32DE - "Style 5"
;0x32DF - "Style 6"
;0x32E0 - "Style 7 (Default)"
;0x32E1 - "Choose your style main menu"
;0x32E2 - "Selecting the main menu"
;0x32E3 - "ActivityMenuStyle"
;0x32E4 - "Oneofmany Style"
;0x32E5 - "OneofmanyGui"
;0x2CCC - "Fullscreen"
;0x2CEC - "NormalScreen"

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Choice of style and mode of presentation of items
;the main menu, choose your style and modes:
;Main Menu - Options, select Do not have used the item
;information about the selected item is updated in accordance with the choice
;(!) You must add the following tag in the *. lng:
;0x32E8 - "Styles"
;0x32DA - "Style 1"
;0x32DB - "Style 2"
;0x32DC - "Style 3"
;0x32DD - "Style 4"
;0x32DE - "Style 5"
;0x32DF - "Style 6"
;0x32E0 - "Style 7 (Default)"
;0x32E6 - "Screen Mode"
;0x32E7 - "This item is already in use"
;0x32E1 - "Choose your style main menu"
;0x32E2 - "Selecting the main menu"
;0x32E3 - "ActivityMenuStyle"
;0x2CCC - "Fullscreen"
;0x2CEC - "NormalScreen"
;(c) ZEN, jamesbond22, D3mon
;(e) Antoniomun
;(p) DaRkMaN
;(e) albertnet3 (thanks anarkes for fix minor bugs)
;add Style GUI ActivityMenuStyle
;Restore ability to select items
;wiht keys in books affected for the patch.

Sе W595 SW-R3EF001 BROWN \ Patches \ Elf Pack \ FS Full Mod \ Walkman 4.0 \ and much more...
Respect: den_po, IronMaster, K790Alex, Ploik, blacklizard, anarkes, supertrubka.org and topsony.com
Спасибо сказали: MiFa, michel1907, Heber, Happy



Регистрация: 10.12.09
Сообщений: 72
Репутация: 351
Откуда: Cancun/Mexico

  #320 [11.12.10, 21:49] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Ability change orientation in file manager
;Ability change GUI in file manager normal/fullscreen/activity menu style
;Ability show/hide softkeys
;Go to file manager-"options
;Choosing is now a more integrated and more appropriate. You can not select the item that is currently used.
;Now, automatically refreshes the page
;(!) Should Edit lng file:
;0x32E3 - "ActivityMenuStyle"
;0x32E9 - "Softkeys"
;0x32EA - "Hide"
;0x32EB - "Show"
;0x32E7 - "This item is already in use"
;(c) Juhu07
;(e) albertnet3
;(p) DaRkMaN

Sе W595 SW-R3EF001 BROWN \ Patches \ Elf Pack \ FS Full Mod \ Walkman 4.0 \ and much more...
Respect: den_po, IronMaster, K790Alex, Ploik, blacklizard, anarkes, supertrubka.org and topsony.com
Спасибо сказали: Sandre



Регистрация: 10.12.09
Сообщений: 72
Репутация: 351
Откуда: Cancun/Mexico

  #321 [13.12.10, 06:31] Re: W595 SW-R3EF001   

;W595 SW-R3EF001
;Selection Style, Mode GUI, Softkeys and ManagementCalls in CallsMenu
;-Style Menu -> Style 1/Style 2/Style 3/Style 4
;-Mode GUI -> Fullscreen/Normalscreen/ActivityStyleMenu
;-Softkeys -> Hide/Show
;-Managent Calls (shortcut)
;-Is Added information in items Style Menu, Mode GUI and Softkeys
;-Is Added automatically refreshes the page
;-Is added state of the currently selected element is updated
;-Is added you can not select the item that is currently used
;Choose a "Style Menu", "Mode GUI" and "Sofkeys" here: Calls -> Options
;(!) Not includes "tab Call Logger" in calls
;(!) Should edit LNG file:
;0x32EC - "Style Menu"
;0x32DA - "Style 1"
;0x32DB - "Style 2"
;0x32DC - "Style 3"
;0x32DD - "Style 4"
;0x32ED - "MODE GUI"
;0x32E3 - "ActivityMenuStyle"
;0x32E9 - "Softkeys"
;0x32EA - "Hide"
;0x32EB - "Show"
;0x32EE - "Softkeys Hide/Show in calls"
;0x32E7 - "This element is already in use."
;0x32EF - "Choose a Style Menu for the Calls."
;0x32F0 - "Select the display mode for the Calls."
;V. 3
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) DaRkMaN

Sе W595 SW-R3EF001 BROWN \ Patches \ Elf Pack \ FS Full Mod \ Walkman 4.0 \ and much more...
Respect: den_po, IronMaster, K790Alex, Ploik, blacklizard, anarkes, supertrubka.org and topsony.com
Спасибо сказали: michel1907
Страница 32 из 48: « 1 ... 28 29 30 31 [32] 33 34 35 36 ... 48 »

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