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Регистрация: 17.8.09 Сообщений: 96 Репутация: 1313 Откуда: Tricity/Poland
#371 [29.11.09, 11:39] SEns9x
SEns9x is an port of Snes9x - an emulator of Super Nintendo Entertainment System also known as Super Famicom. 2009-2010 Port to SE by: MaW, mc_kibel, Marian90 Thanks to: Tartes SEns9x is based on Siemens elf by CBN programmers and Miha_r. Port uses also some UIQ Snes9x solutions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTBbYlxcjUsWe do not take any responsibility for any phone problems possibly caused by this elf, especially the older versions that reboot on exit.1. System Requirements:- a DB2020 or better Sony Ericsson phone - 2,5(depending on settings)MB + rom size of free heap (actually, for a 4MB game the emulator needs 5-6MB, but I noticed phone gets ustable when it has below 1-1,5MB free heap)- an Elfpack installed 2.Usage:1. Put SEns9x.elf into Zbin folder. 2. Put SEns9x.png into Zbin/Config/Extension and add the line from ext.ini.txt to your phone's ext.ini. Change [EXTxx] to next available number. Update extensions with FileReg.elf or w/e elf that does that too. 3. Put ROM.smc (ie. Chrono Trigger.smc) in other/snes/ folder. 4. Run the emulator by clicking open on the .smc file or by running elf and choosing game from the list (game must be in other/snes/ folder for the second option) 3. Menu Usage:We enter the menu by pressing right softkey. Entering menu also pauses the game. Most of the options are understandable, I'll just briefly explain some: BG Layers - allows us to turn off background layer, useful in games that need transparency support (which SEns9x doesn't support for now) Emulation Settings (Advanced) - we can modify there CPU settings to gain perfomance in some games, we can aswell edit Memory Settings to reduce memory usage: In most of games you can safely set SRAM to 8kb, although if the game needs SRAM bigger than 8kb, it can cause phone's reboot, you'd also lose your previously saved games. TILE memory can be set in range between 32-128, however setting it below 64 can cause graphics problems aswell as reboot the phone. It should work fine at 50 though, in some games at least. 4. Keys SettingsKey settings work same as in NesCube. Function keys: KEY TURBO FSKIP - turns on/off frameskip 15 QUICK LAYER - this key allows us to quickly turn on/off background layers that we have chosen in settings 5. Saving game:While the quick save/load options in main menu don't work, you can save game using the original SNES's saving method - to the emulated game's memory (SRAM). You can save this way only in games that allow you to save this way. You can also import your saves from PC version of Snes9x, you just need to remember to keep same names, i.e when you have Game.smc you need the SRAM file to be named Game.srm. 6. FAQWill SEns9x emulate sound?Unfortunately, elfpack seems to not have any function that would allows us to include sound emulation. At least in a way that would work properly.Will SEns9x support custom chip games (i.e Doom - Super FX chip, Super Mario RPG - SA1 chip).I'm afraid Super FX chip is too demanding to emulate on our SE phones. Adding SA1 coprocessor emulation is easy, but games that use it work too slow, so I didn't include it to SEns9x release to not make elf bigger. Maybe A2 phones will [no, they don't...]have enough power for SA1Will Load/Save options in main menu work?Hell, they do!When will next version be released?No idea. Might as well be never. version history: v0.19 - initial test release ... v0.50, v0.53, v0.55, v0.56, v0.56r, v0.6, v0.61 v0.65 - current releaseRegards, MaW [ Редактировано okejokej в 11.5.10 17:30 ]
Спасибо сказали: InvisibleW, ENSAIER, MiFa, alexus, TahaSpawn, PRO100light, zylka, Zormax, Sotik2, scorpion16_Richi, mortezaw810, vodoo999, MNS81, xoXox, Olegastr, IOWA, Fanse, DenDi, INZER, Crong, Blend, mc_kibel, stVit, STRANGERIGOR, demon961, WhiteWolf, nagmet, EPEMA, IntrO, ELECTRO-NIC, L1yod, michel1907, filimon_off, syaupin, izignet, Artkor, ZverUA, mlatushko, gurar8bf003, DuMOHsmol, D3mon, g00fy, SiLoN, PashaNovanet, shadow610i, DevoS, Alex_E, LitEFlieN, crazysharath, razkolbazzz, vetel, pashnyov, SERGK393, Sanja56, =paha=

Регистрация: 2.3.11 Сообщений: 8 Репутация: 0
#372 [30.04.11, 08:48] Re: SEns9x
я запустил эмулятор.SEns9x065.zip

Регистрация: 30.4.11 Сообщений: 16 Репутация: 8 Откуда: Украина, Луганская обл., г. Лисичанск
#373 [01.05.11, 10:59] Re: SEns9x
И так, какой самый лучший релиз? 
k530 => w660i R8BB001 


Регистрация: 14.8.10 Сообщений: 826 Репутация: 8576 Откуда: Russia
#374 [01.05.11, 11:01] Re: SEns9x
rj24, а подумать? Бери последнюю

Регистрация: 30.4.11 Сообщений: 16 Репутация: 8 Откуда: Украина, Луганская обл., г. Лисичанск
#375 [02.05.11, 08:41] Re: SEns9x
Vov4ик, ты так сказал прям "а подумать?". Знаеш ведь не всегда последний бывает лучшим. 
k530 => w660i R8BB001 


Регистрация: 13.8.10 Сообщений: 48 Репутация: -10 Откуда: Харьков
#376 [01.06.11, 00:26] Re: SEns9x
rj24, сдесь лучшее,не сомневайся


Регистрация: 5.8.08 Сообщений: 39 Репутация: -23
#377 [25.06.11, 13:29] Re: SEns9x
rj24, если а2 то самый последний , если дб2020 то предпоследний :)
Добавлено 25.6.11 15:25
okejokej, Elf does not want to work with latest EP 1.999 =/ I add extensions with extedit , then go to the place where my games are and phone shows snes.png but "smc" file I can only SEND =/ Fix that please


Регистрация: 19.8.08 Сообщений: 132 Репутация: 33 Откуда: Украина
#378 [09.01.12, 14:12] Re: SEns9x
почему версия 061 не открывает ромы через сам ельф?

Регистрация: 14.12.11 Сообщений: 1 Репутация: 0
#379 [07.02.12, 14:51] Re: SEns9x
cant set CAMERA KEY to joystick and functions on my phone G502, i hope it can use centering layout at the center screen not left corner, and cant use double key example i press 1key(as A key) and 2key(as X key) whlile i retap A key (1 key) X key will lose control. PLEASE FIX IT
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