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C902 SW-R3EG004 AO : Патчи A2 : Патчи : Форум : Для Sony Ericsson патчи эльфы моддинг прошивка
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Куратор(ы) темы: Legas



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  #41 [03.03.10, 11:10] C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   

Отдельная ветка про патчи для C902 SW-R3EG004

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All discussions are here!!!

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Using patches with a2 tool

Учет замейна: 

[ Редактировано Legas2 в 17.3.13 22:45 ]

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

ElfPack_C902_R3EG004AO.rar ElfPack_C902_R3EG004AO.rar (41.59 kb; 55 hits) Скачать файл
Спасибо сказали: centrumse, buhh83, BrghtnsS, matii_ziomek, farid, omdhar, MiFa, josthyn05, biems, a6b6, Aang, Ersin, dimon_13



Регистрация: 13.12.09
Сообщений: 140
Репутация: 3151
Откуда: Poland

  #42 [06.05.11, 22:08] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   


;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Selection menu style and mode Normal screen/Fullscreen for elements of MainMenu.
;Choose a style and gui here: Main Menu -> Options.
;Choosing is now a more integrated and more appropriate. You can not select the item that is currently used.
;State of the currently selected element is updated.
;(!) Should edit LNG file:
;0x408 - Styles / Style
;0x444 - View Camera / Widok aparatu
;0x442 - View 4x4 / Widok 4x4
;0x441 - view 3x3 / Widok 3x3
;0x443 - SiderBar / Pasek boczny
;0x400 - MODE GUI / Tryb GUI
;0x409 - This element is already in use / Ten element jest juz w użyciu
;0x40A - Choose a style for the main menu / Wybierz styl z menu
;0x40B - Select the display mode for the main menu / Wybierz tryb wyświetlania z menu
;(c) ZEN, jamesbond22, D3mon
;(e) Antoniomun
;(p) buhh83
;+ news styles (Menu Standar Fix , Siderbar, View 4x4, View 3x3)
;+ Gui style "Activity menu" etc..

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Hide/show softkeys in mainmenu
;In flash, normal and submenu
;-> MainMenu -> Options
;(i) need patch Selection menu style
;(c) thomassafca, Antoniomun
;(p) buhh83

lng "view camera" is 0x444
sorry my mistake

[ Редактировано buhh83 в 7.5.11 12:01 ]

Добавлено 7.5.11 17:31

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Change Right Softkey in Standby to "Goto Shortcut".
;Items: Inbox, Music player, Alarms, Calendar, Profiles, Bluetooth
;v 1.6
;(!) You must add new item to menu.ml (Goto_Shortcut_Id)
;(c) farid
;(r) supertrubka.org
;(e) Antoniomun
;(p) buhh83

[ Редактировано buhh83 в 8.5.11 07:34 ]

Добавлено 8.5.11 08:37

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Automatic turn off Bluetooth by timer
;Bluetooth -> Visibility -> Timer
;Time: 5min, 10min, 15min, 20min, 30min, 1Hour and Default
;V 1.3
;(!) Need patch "Ability on / off. confirmation when transferring files via bluetooth and obex"
;(i) HeapShift (4BBFF720)
;(c) Jamesbond22, Antoniomun
;(p) buhh83
;edit lng:
;0x407 - Standard / Standardowy
;0x445 - 20 minutes / 20 minut

Добавлено 8.5.11 13:39

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Posibility to change normalscreen/fullscreen in video player
;Added menu "shortcuts"
;- Radio
;- VideoDJ
;- Walkman
;- File Manager
;Added icons in objects
; V.2
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) buhh83

Video.xml to tpa/system/layout

[ Редактировано buhh83 в 8.5.11 13:57 ]

Добавлено 8.5.11 17:49

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Hide the white background when calling
;(c) thomassafca
;(p) buhh83
10de32d2: 0E48 C046

Добавлено 8.5.11 20:05

Now the patch works both ways
send files and receive files

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in OBEX page (Send/Recieve)
;(!) Heap shift (4BBFF6B4-4BBFF6C0)
;v 1.0(A2)
;© Amir_82111
;(p) buhh83

[ Редактировано den_po в 22.5.11 07:38 ]

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

ElfPack_C902_R3EG004_AO_rev3666.rar ElfPack_C902_R3EG004_AO_rev3666.rar (51.50 kb; 23 hits) Скачать файл
Video.rar Video.rar (1.74 kb; 15 hits) Скачать файл

Спасибо сказали: godlesplay, sQal, Ridd1cK, antoniomun



Регистрация: 13.12.09
Сообщений: 140
Репутация: 3151
Откуда: Poland

  #43 [10.05.11, 00:03] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   


Big thanks to D3mon, which improved the patch for DB3150

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Replace item "Radio" in alarms with item "Turn off phone"
;When alarm with this type is ringing, phone turns off
;(c) D3mon
;(p) buhh83
;109155a0: 054B 04E0 ; Remove soft with info about item

Добавлено 12.5.11 19:32

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Add the ability to enable \ disable Activity Menu
;Set in "Settings -> General ->Shortcuts ->Options
;(I) The original idea DuXeN0N, KrasH
;(c) awg
;(p) buhh83

[ Редактировано den_po в 22.5.11 07:37 ]

Спасибо сказали: D3mon, Ersin



Регистрация: 13.12.09
Сообщений: 140
Репутация: 3151
Откуда: Poland

  #44 [14.05.11, 02:01] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   


;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Flasing LED when alarm ringing
;(!)HeapShift (4BBFF714)
;(c) ZEN
;(p) buhh83

LED number 3 and 4, operate until the keyboard lights off

[ Редактировано buhh83 в 14.5.11 00:02 ]

Добавлено 14.5.11 08:30

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;playing melodies on the hour
;hour_sound.mp3 Put file in the folder / tpa / preset / system / sound
;If you enable silent mode , the melody does not play
;PAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc
;(c) Sic
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 14.5.11 13:51

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Ability to show/hide Statusrow
;Phone will restart automatically to load changes
;fix back button
;(c) blacklizard
;(p) buhh83
;Add this to menu.ml
;<element id="StatusROW_Set_Id">
; <label type="name"><text>Statusrow</text></label>
; <link type="internal" />

Thanks for bl
for fix the back button

Добавлено 14.5.11 14:14

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Flasing LED when alarm ringing
;(!)HeapShift (4BBFF714)
;(c) ZEN
;(p) buhh83

Добавлено 14.5.11 23:20

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Show/Hide softkeys in Video application
;Go to: -> Video_Application -> Keyboard
;(c) jamesbond22
;(e) Antoniomun
;(p) buhh83
;edit lng:
;0x424 - Hide softkeys / Ukryj przyciski
;0x425 - Show softkeys / Pokaż przyciski

To see the effect, change the video

Спасибо сказали: SoLiDuS_91



Регистрация: 13.12.09
Сообщений: 140
Репутация: 3151
Откуда: Poland

  #45 [17.05.11, 03:14] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   


;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Add the initial path and destination path in the window when copying / moving a file
;(c) anarkes
;(p) buhh83
;v. 1.0

Добавлено 19.5.11 20:45

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in OBEX, Download pages
;(!) Heap shift (4BBFF6B4-4BBFF6C0)
;v 2.0(A2)
;(c) Amir_82111
;(p) buhh83

[ Редактировано buhh83 в 19.5.11 20:59 ]

Добавлено 19.5.11 22:35

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Show fullscreen in Inbox, Drafts, Sent Messages and Saved messages
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) buhh83

Спасибо сказали: -DeJaVu-, godlesplay



Регистрация: 13.12.09
Сообщений: 140
Репутация: 3151
Откуда: Poland

  #46 [22.05.11, 13:49] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   


;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Change 4 th tab in the Activity Menu to File Manager.
;Now are folders:
;1: Camera album
;2: Sounds
;3: Images
;4: Videos
;5: Themes
;6: Other
;7: Elfs
;8: All Java
;9: Recycler (need to install patch "recycler")
;10:FS Internal
;11:Data Personal (here you can put files that are hidden from others)
;Folder "personal data":
;1: Create a folder system/privat (on the phone and M2)
;2: Put there your hidden files
;3: Reboot your phone and go through the Activity Menu
;- Ability selection folders by numerick keys
;- Added options view mode in folders(Camera Album, Pictures, Videos)
;- Runned books in background and shortcuts are not closed on exit from DataBrowser.
;- Added standard actions on browsing files.
;- (!) To correct the text labels:
;0x3FD - Elfs/zbin / Zbin/Elfy
;0x415 - All Java / Wszystkie aplikacje
;0x416 - Recycler / Kosz
;0x44A - FSinternal / Pliki systemowe
; V2.2FIX
;(C) yener90
;(e) jamesbond22,MEHRDAD
;(e) Antoniomun
;(p) buhh83

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Supplement for patch "Change 4th tab in the Activity Menu to File Manager"
;Set a password on the "Trash" and "Personal Data"
;(i) A standard phone password
;(c) KrasH
;(p) buhh83

Спасибо сказали: antoniomun, Thilina, razkolbazzz



Регистрация: 13.12.09
Сообщений: 140
Репутация: 3151
Откуда: Poland

  #47 [28.05.11, 23:34] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   


Thanks for a great patch

;Blinking Orange LED while charging
;Stop Charging when battery is full/unplug charger
;Configure here: Menu->Organiser->Light->OLED
;(c) blacklizard

[ Edited by buhh83 в 28.5.11 22:14 ]

Added 28.5.11 23:31

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Short showing indicator loudness v1.1
;Settings - Sound & alerts - Vol bar
;When choosing the option "off" volume bar does not show up (c) HotRabbit
;(c) SiNgle
;(e) HotRabbit
;(p) buhh83

thanks for HotRabbit

[ Edited by buhh83 в 28.5.11 23:33 ]

Added 29.5.11 00:43

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Show volume percentage on volume bar
;(c) Therion
;(r) MaPkiZzz
;(p) buhh83

[ Edited by buhh83 в 31.5.11 09:04 ]

Added 31.5.11 15:08

Copying / moving files in any folder v2.0

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Copying / moving files in any folder
;Added 4 tab in File Manager, which includes folders tpa, system, ifs, boot, sys
;Added 5 tab in File Manager, which includes folders ZBin, Daemons, Config, Ini, DLL
;Ability to copy a folder tpa and ifs, elf
;Removed restrictions on copying of protected files
;Ability to rename a jar and jad files
;The ability to display hidden files (Options -> Hidden Files
;Ability to change attributes of files / folders (Information -> Edit)
;Ability to copy / move folders
;v. 2
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) buhh83

Спасибо сказали: michel1907, HotRabbit, Nook



Регистрация: 13.12.09
Сообщений: 140
Репутация: 3151
Откуда: Poland

  #48 [04.06.11, 02:44] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;copying / moving files in any folder
;Added 4 tab in File Manager, which includes folders tpa, system, ifs, boot, sys
;Added 5 tab in File Manager, which includes folders ZBin, Daemons, Config, Ini, DLL
;Added ability to copy in a folder tpa and ifs, elf
;Removed restrictions on copying of protected files
;Added ability to rename a jar and jad files
;Added ability to display hidden files (Options -> Advanced)
;Added ability to display file extensions (Options -> Advanced)
;Added ability to change attributes of files / folders (Information -> Change)
;Added ability to copy / move folders
;(!) remove "Displays files with the extension"
;(!) remove "Rename files with extension"
;v. 2.1.1
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) buhh83

Added 5.6.11 22:18

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Ability change orientation in file manager
;Ability change GUI in file manager normal/fullscreen/activity menu style
;Ability show/hide softkeys
;All functions are now in the Options / Settings GUI
;+Ability to change GUI mode in 4 and 5 tab (c) HotRabbit
;+Ability change orientation in file manager
;+Ability show/hide softkeys
;(!) Should Edit lng file:
;0x422 - "Activity Menu Style"/Styl menu czynności
;0x418 - "Softkeys"/Przyciski
;0x425 - "Show softkeys"/Pokaż przyciski
;0x424 - "Hide Softkeys"/Ukryj przyciski
;(c) Juhu07
;(e) HotRabbit, Therion
;(p) buhh83

Zakaz kopiowania na se center i na cse

[ Edited by buhh83 в 7.6.11 23:29 ]

Спасибо сказали: Thilina, Fafal999, farid, piotrekk6



Регистрация: 13.12.09
Сообщений: 140
Репутация: 3151
Откуда: Poland

  #49 [09.06.11, 00:31] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   


;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Display free memory in the File Manager tab headers
;1 incl. - phone / card, 2 incl. - card, 3 incl. - Phone
;Added label "FREE:" On the first tab
;Completely rewritten
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) buhh83

Спасибо сказали: Thilina, MiFa



Регистрация: 13.12.09
Сообщений: 140
Репутация: 3151
Откуда: Poland

  #50 [12.06.11, 13:07] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   


;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Supplement to the patch "Copying/moving files in any folder v2.1.1"
;Changing icons of folders tpa, system, IFS, BOOT & SYS in the 4th tab
;Changing icons of folders ZBin, Daemons, Config, Ini & DLL in the 5th tab
;(c) Ploik, myrzeug
;(p) buhh83
;do wersji ENG

correct version of this patch
thanks to Legas for testing
Please remove this patch in the post above

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Ability change orientation in file manager
;Ability change GUI in file manager normal/fullscreen/activity menu style
;Ability show/hide softkeys
;All functions are now in the Options / Settings GUI
;+Ability to change GUI mode in 4 and 5 tab (c) HotRabbit
;+Ability change orientation in file manager
;+Ability show/hide softkeys
;(!) Should Edit lng file:
;0x422 - "Activity Menu Style"/Styl menu czynności
;0x418 - "Softkeys"/Przyciski
;0x425 - "Show softkeys"/Pokaż przyciski
;0x424 - "Hide Softkeys"/Ukryj przyciski
;(c) Juhu07
;(e) HotRabbit, Therion
;(p) buhh83

[ Edited by buhh83 в 12.6.11 18:39 ]

[ Edited by buhh83 в 12.6.11 18:40 ]

Спасибо сказали: Thilina



Регистрация: 13.12.09
Сообщений: 140
Репутация: 3151
Откуда: Poland

  #51 [15.06.11, 21:45] Re: C902 SW-R3EG004 AO   


;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Add items to the list in use. "as"
;In making files via BT or downloading from the Internet
;Added "Delete", "Rename" and "Information"
;The order of the items varies below
;+ add / remove items (see list below)
;ver 1.1
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) buhh83

Added 17.6.11 00:08

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Change colors in MediaPlayer
;(c) D3mon, anarkes, thomassafca
;(p) buhh83

Added 18.6.11 09:47

I fix Ability to show / demonstrate the focus / hide the second line in new event
please update

;C902 SW-R3EG004 AO
;Ability to show / demonstrate the focus / hide the second line in new event
;Added change of style in the Summary window (over 4-the same type of events)
;Setup: Options -> General -> New event -> 2nd row
;v.2 fix
;(c) HotRabbit
;(e) D3mon
;(p) buhh83

Added 18.6.11 13:46

;C902 R3EG004 AO
;Add enable / disable the camera
;Configuration: Service menu -> Service settings -> Camera
;(c) Se-MaG
;(p) buhh83
;(!) You must edit Lng file
;0x44B - camera is turned off / aparat jest wyłączony

[ Edited by buhh83 в 18.6.11 13:47 ]

[ Редактировано buhh83 в 18.6.11 19:01 ]

Спасибо сказали: farid, razkolbazzz
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