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C702 SW-R3EF001 : Патчи A2 : Патчи : Форум : Для Sony Ericsson патчи эльфы моддинг прошивка
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Регистрация: 27.3.06
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  #51 [26.09.09, 13:32] C702 SW-R3EF001   

Отдельная ветка про патчи для C702 SW-R3EF001

Все патчи для этой модели и версии выкладываем здесь, обсуждение в данном топике запрещено, обсуждение ТУТ

This topic is for patches only, All discussions are HERE

Все просьбы о портировании пишем - Идеи и запросы патчей А2

All request about porting write - Идеи и запросы патчей А2

far cxc patcher для патчения *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке

SEFP2 для заливки патченых *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке

Все патчи вы ставите на свой страх и риск!
Прежде чем выкладывать свой патч, посмотрите как он оформлен у других.
В шапке патча обязательны указания копирайта (автор, портер).

Все патчи заключайте в тег [vkр] кнопка -

promt is better than google translate
Спасибо сказали: Blend, Dimon4eg, Desperanto, Oganyan-Arthur, TahaSpawn, Se-MaG, farid, MrCreeper, a6b6, lexxx2345



Регистрация: 13.12.09
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  #52 [19.09.10, 19:31] Re: C702 SW-R3EF001   

; C702 SW-R3EF001
; The work of the radio in "Flight Mode"
; (c) CyberMaster
; (p) matii_ziomek



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  #53 [20.09.10, 17:26] Re: C702 SW-R3EF001   

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Change style in file manager
;Hide Softkeys
;(c) Juhu07
;(e,p) matii_ziomek

Added 20.9.10 16:45

port from w995
;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Viewing phone's heap in the Service Menu
;(c) farid
;(p) matii_ziomek
;+ add icon
;+ Change style of menu

Added 28.9.10 20:09

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Changes GUI of "MyNumbers"
;(c) farid
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 28.9.10 20:13

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Add Icon on title of "Copy to:" and "Move to:"
;(c) farid
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 29.9.10 18:13

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Add a choice of time playing tunes in the incoming message
;Choose alert message. Options -> Melody Time
;(!) Must edit LNG ID
;0x41A -> 10 sec
;0x41B -> 20 sec
;0x41C -> 30 sec
;0x41D -> 40 sec
;0x41E -> 50 sec
;0x41F -> 60 sec
;0x420 -> Unlimited
;(c) Ploik
;(r) RandoM
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Add item "File Manager" in the function of player
;It shows all the music that is on the memory card and the phone
;Now "Play" located at the central softkey, as well as in the standard FM
;(c) D3mon
;(p) matii_ziomek
;(r) k790Alex, MaPkiZzz aka Vital

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Add item "Block keypad" to the player
;(c) D3mon
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 29.9.10 18:35

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Display count of recent contacts (points) when sending SMS
;Choice of items (elements) using the number keys
;(c) anarkes
;(e) MahmudS
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 3.10.10 11:14

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Add menu Stuff Player in WALKMAN
;Add item "MusicDJ" in the options->Stuff Player in the Walkman
;Add item "VideoDJ" in the options->Stuff Player in the Walkman
;Add item "MusicTagger" in the options->Stuff Player in the Walkman
;Add item "MusicWidget" in the options->Stuff Player in the Walkman
;Add item "Visualization" in the options->Stuff Player in the Walkman
;The path to the elf MusicTagger /usb/other/ZBin/MusicTagger.elf
;The path to the elf MusicWiget /usb/other/ZBin/IMW.elf
;The path to the elf Visualization /usb/other/ZBin/Visualization.elf
;Stuff Player->Music DJ
;Stuff Player->Video DJ
;Stuff Player->MusicTagger(MusicTagger.elf)
;Stuff Player->MusicWidget(IMW.elf (C) mc_kibel)
;Stuff Player->Visualization(Visualization.elf)
;Not need to edit .Lng
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) matii_ziomek

[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 3.10.10 11:45 ]

Added 3.10.10 17:02

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Add icon to "Play mode" in WALKMAN player
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 3.10.10 18:00

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Change style in Start Menu + Viewing heap in of title + add icon
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 4.10.10 20:53

Port from W705:
;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Add the ability to show IMEI or Show the message "Private IMEI" when you press *#06# and in
;Service -> Service Info -> Configuration.
;(!) To show IMEI or Show Message, you need press right softkey in the GUI of IMEI (*#06#)
;(c) anarkes
;(p) matii_ziomek
;v. Beta Test

Спасибо сказали: centrumse, KIBER-DEMON, MAVER145



Регистрация: 13.12.09
Сообщений: 140
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Откуда: Poland

  #54 [05.10.10, 22:19] Re: C702 SW-R3EF001   

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;choise style items in service menu
; (c) albertnet3
; (p) matii_ziomek
1101c0e2: 0021 0221

Спасибо сказали: albertnet3



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  #55 [05.10.10, 22:46] Re: C702 SW-R3EF001   

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Restore ability to select item with numeric keys in ServiceMenu
;(c) farid
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Delete Some message in Web Browser Advanced settings
;(c) farid
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Ability On / Off. file transfer
;Settings - Connection - My phone's name - Features - Cancel send
;v2 Now works with selected files
;(c) ZEN
;(p) matii_ziomek
;(r) Ploik

Спасибо сказали: Эриксон62, farid



Регистрация: 1.1.09
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  #56 [06.10.10, 12:52] Re: C702 SW-R3EF001   

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Added 15 items to the Equalizer
;Полностью переработаны пресеты/ All presets changed.
;© diezil
;(e) Hawkadmin
;(p) pzw



Регистрация: 11.4.10
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  #57 [06.10.10, 21:26] Re: C702 SW-R3EF001   

v. 1.1
;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Choose time for showing message "Message delivered"
;v. 1.1
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 7.10.10 07:28

Not tested:
;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Add item "Total delete" to More--File in the player
;This item removes current track from the memory
;Added ask for deleting from memory
;Added ask for deleting from list
;(c) D3mon
;(R) Ploik
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 7.10.10 20:38

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Change way of showing windows "Play mode", "Visualizations", "Visualizations/Visualizations" and "Stereo widening"
;v. fix
;(e) Antoniomun
;Add icon in Visualizations/Visualizations and Stereo widening
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 8.10.10 15:11

port from w705:
;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Service Menu Mod.
;View Service Menu in full screen.
;change style items.
;add icon title.
;Viewing phone's heap in second line title in the Service Menu.
;Restore ability to select item with numeric keys in Service Menu.
;(r) anarkes
;(p) matii_ziomek
;(!)Original idea by farid

Added 8.10.10 16:38

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Appointment to replace some keys
;Change xx to follow bytes
;48 Game b
;47 Game a
;2C Rewind
;2B Forward
;16 Vol +
;17 Vol -
;28 Walkman
;29 Play pause
;2F Camera focus
;30 Camera capture
;06 Green Button
;07 Red Button
;24 Activity Menu Button
;(e,p) matii_ziomek (added: green, red, "c", on/off, camera focus, camera key, activity menu)

[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 8.10.10 16:41 ]

Added 9.10.10 17:02

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Show/Hide contact phone number when Incoming/Outgoing calls
;Settings / Calls / Manage calls/Accept calls/options/Show/Hide number
;v fix for db 3150
;(c) Amir_82111
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 10.10.10 13:37

Not tested:
;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Change style in calls menu
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 10.10.10 13:41

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Remove the "-" from first Date format
;Now date is like this: DD MMM YYYY
;(c) thomassafca
;(r) weltonlin
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 10.10.10 13:51

Not tested:
;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Hide "Spk.On" and "Spk.Off" at incoming and outgoing calls
;(!) 4102 = .lng label 0x241
;Change it if its not empty in your .lng!
;(c) thomassafca
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 10.10.10 17:48

Not tested:
;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Hide "Spk.On" and "Spk.Off" at incoming and outgoing calls
;(c) thomassafca
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 11.10.10 16:16

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Display free memory in the File Manager tab headers
;V. 1
;(C) E1kolyan
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 13.10.10 06:52

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Change style to fullscreen in Keyboard of Service Test
;(c) Cr@cShoT
;(p) matii_ziomek
1101ee5c: 0121 0421

Added 14.10.10 15:53

port from W995
;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Add menu "Video Shortcuts" in video player
;Add item "Radio" in the options->Video Shortcuts in video player
;Add item "VideoDJ" in the options->Video Shortcuts in video player
;Add item "WALKMAN" in the options->Video Shortcuts in video player
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 14.10.10 20:42

port from w995
;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Add title, icon and label number in Service menu-->Text labels
;(c) anarkes & Cr@cShoT
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 15.10.10 15:36

port from w995
;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Add item Call Logger(Elf) and Advanced in Calls Menu
;Call logger (CallLogger.elf) Info:"Fast Access to Call Logger.elf"
;Advanced (Fast Access to "Call Management")
;The path to the elf Call Logger /usb/other/ZBin/CallLogger.elf
;Not need edit .LNG
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 15.10.10 18:57

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Addon for patch "Confidentiality v.3"
;Disable access to "Contacts -> More -> Special numbers -> Emergency nos."
;(c) blacklizard
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 16.10.10 16:05

port from c901
Not tested:

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Clear window for connecting to the Internet
;Window removed when connecting via Bluetooth, USB, Wi-Fi
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 17.10.10 18:03

port from c901
;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Date with weekday everywhere as "sa 09 jan"
;The new element of a format of date %a - day of week is added
;© Lost
;(p) matii_ziomek

Added 17.10.10 19:22

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Change the style of "shortcuts"
;(c) michlantecuhtli
;(p) matii_ziomek

[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 17.10.10 19:24 ]



Регистрация: 27.3.06
Сообщений: 3279
Репутация: 10763
Откуда: Чебоксары

  #58 [19.10.10, 01:45] Re: C702 SW-R3EF001   

;db3150 messagebox bugfix
;(c) den_po, IronMaster

патч нужен только для тех прошивок, которые зависают при закрытии мессаджбокса со стилем 2. для проверки пользуйтесь эльфом. если эльф при закрытии окошка не вешает телефон, патч портировать не надо.


патчи, у которых вместо замейна используется часть данных мейна. я уже писал, что у меня из-за подобного были ребуты. проверять эти патчи нет желания, так что просто список

promt is better than google translate
Спасибо сказали: Happy, farid, josthyn05, flooder



Регистрация: 5.9.07
Сообщений: 19
Репутация: 9

  #59 [12.11.10, 21:56] Re: C702 SW-R3EF001   

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Выключает будильник с первого нажатия
;Remove SnoozeAlarm
;Now, when you alarm immediately is disabled
;© IronMaster

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Убрать сообщение "Запустить сейчас?" после установки Java
;Clear message "Run now?" after installing Java
;(C) -=Alex=-

Спасибо сказали: Upfile, a6b6
'Фу' сказали: matii_ziomek



Регистрация: 11.4.10
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  #60 [05.02.11, 16:47] Re: C702 SW-R3EF001   

;C702 R3EF001
;Disable check the possibility of setting the volume in accessories

;C702 R3EF001
; Clear message "File in use. Removal is not possible" by pressing "C" player
;(c) D3mon
;(p) matii_ziomek
10CF7C28: 064B 03E0

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Add icon in the window "Continue. Through the loudspeaker.?"
;(c) D3mon
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Change Right Softkey in Standby to "GoTo Shortcut".
;Items: Inbox, Music player, Alarms, Calendar, Profiles, Bluetooth
;Added icon on Items list (idea by madfish)
;Added Alarm State(Time: Hour.Minutes) at 2ndLine of Alarm item
;Added Date state(Date-Mon-Year) at 2ndLine of Calendar item
;Added Active Profile at 2ndLine of Profiles item
;Added Bluetooth state(On-Off) at 2ndLine of Bluetooth item
;Improved code
;v 1.5
;(!) You must add new item to menu.ml (Goto_Shortcut_Id)
;(c) farid
;(r) mobilefree.justdanpo.ru
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Ability to run WidgetManager elf GUI by menu.ml (event 0x3021)
;Added question to load WidgetManager if it isn't running or closed
;(!) You must add new item to menu.ml (MenuItem_WidgetManager)
;(!) Elf should be at "/card/other/ZBin/Daemons/WidgetManager.elf"
;Version 2.0
;(c) farid
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Add item "Create" in the file manager
;Options --- Create new.:
;- Record *. amr (runs Recorder)
;- Photos, Video (launches the camera)
;- Text. file (elf CreateTXTFile)
;- Search (Elf FindFiles)
;Path to elf "/ usb / other / Zbin / *. elf"
;Names "CreateTXT.elf" and "FindFiles.elf"
;(c) Lars aka DrummMaster
;(e,p) matii_ziomek(change LinkExecutor on FindFiles)

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Add item "Create" in the file manager
;Options --- Create new.:
;- Record *. amr (runs Recorder)
;- Photos, Video (launches the camera)
;- Text. file (elf CreateTXTFile)
;- Label (Elf LinkExecutor)
;Path to elf "/ usb / other / Zbin / *. elf"
;Names "CreateTXT.elf" and "LinkExecutor.elf"
;(c) Lars aka DrummMaster
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Ability to run Deskbar elf GUI by menu.ml (event 0x3010)
;Added question to run Deskbar elf if it isn't running or closed
;Works only with Deskbar 3.12 and higher
;code is totally rewritten
;(!) You must add new item to menu.ml (MenuItem_EditDeskbar)
;(!) Elf should be at "/card/other/ZBin/Daemons/Deskbar.elf"
;Version 2.0
;(c) mc_kibel, farid
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Display count of recent contacts (points) when sending SMS
;Choice of items (elements) using the number keys
;v fix [Display count of recent contacts] for db 3150
;(c) anarkes
;(e) MahmudS
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Add option of Enable/Disable SleepMode
;Go To Menu>Settings>Display>Screensaver>Sleep Mode
;(!) Compatible with patch "Ilumination of each book" and some code was changed
;(!) Disable SleepMode is increase expense of battery
;(c) k790Alex
;(p) matii_ziomek
;original idea by Sic, RandoM

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;View elf Call Logger logs at 5 tab
;Patch is in addition to the elf Call Logger, without it, it does not make sense
;In "Calls" appears 5 tab, where you can see/remove logs
;Added parameter Internet for viewing Internet traffic
;Added choice of dates for which logs should be filtered
;Added "Off the items without file" supplement patch.
;(c) IronMaster (Patch)
;(c) myrzeug (AddOn)
;(p) matii_ziomek
; HoloSan (joining both patches)

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Add the number of Devices of Bluetooth in the title, and you can select device with keys
;(!) You can select if add the number in 2 titles or 1 title, in the end of patch
;(c) anarkes
;(p) matii_ziomek
;Original Idea by DaRkMaN

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Addition Background Pic and Brightness to "Menu -> Options"
;(c) yener90
;(e) albertnet3
;+ Bluetooth
;+ Profiles
;(e) buhh83
;+ Flash light
;+ Automatic Keylock
;+ service menu
;(p) matii_ziomek
;(i)need to instal patch "Replace Update Service Menu with Service Menu"

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Display state of battery in StatusRow
;v. 1.2
;Added display of icon when the battery is charging
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Change style of "Shortcuts"
;- Add icon in the title
;- Change style of items
;- Show window in full screen
;- Show phone heap in second line of title
;- Ability to select item with numeric keys
;(c) DaRkMaN
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Ability change orientation in file manager
;Ability change GUI in file manager normal/fullscreen/activity menu style
;Ability show/hide softkeys
;Go to file manager-"options
;Choosing is now a more integrated and more appropriate. You can not select the item that is currently used.
;Now, automatically refreshes the page
;(!) Should Edit lng file:
;0x1CA0 - "ActivityMenuStyle"
;0x1CA1 - "Softkeys"
;0x1CA2 - "Hide"
;0x1CA3 - "Show"
;0x1CA4 - "This item is already in use"
;(c) Juhu07
;(e) albertnet3
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Additional Shortcuts and StuffPlayer in the Walkman
;-Is added Menu "Shortcuts":
;->FM Radio
;-Is added Menu "Stuff Player"(elfs):
;->MusicTagger ELF (/usb/other/ZBin/MusicTagger.elf)
;->MusicWidget ELF (/usb/other/ZBin/IMW.elf)
;->ClearBass ELF (/usb/other/ZBin/Clearbass.elf)
;->SongChanger ELF (/usb/other/ZBin/A2SongChanger.elf)
;->Visualizacion ELF (/usb/other/ZBin/Visualization.elf)
;-Is added information in items Shortcuts and Stuff Player
;-Link MusicTagger to current song in Walkman
;(i) Should edit LNG file:
;0x1A0 - "Additional Shortcuts in Walkman"
;0x1A1 - "Fast access to ELFS in walkman"
;v. 2
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) matii_ziomek

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Add icon in "Light" menu
;Added possibility to select with numeric keys
;(c) thomassafca, thanks to anarkes
;(p) matii_ziomek

127dcad0 - 127dcb00 = Add icon in the window "Continue. Through the loudspeaker.?"
127dcb10 - 127dd190 = Change Right Softkey in Standby to "GoTo Shortcut".
127dd700 - 127dda20 = Ability to run WidgetManager elf GUI by menu.ml (event 0x3021)
127dda30 - 127ddbe0 = Add item "Create" in the file manager
127d8ec0 - 127d9210 = Ability to run Deskbar elf GUI by menu.ml (event 0x3010)
127db3b0 - 127db410 = Display count of recent contacts (points) when sending SMS
127ddce0 - 127ddf10 = Add option of Enable/Disable SleepMode
127de3a0 - 127de9f0 = View elf Call Logger logs at 5 tab
127de2e0 - 127de39c = Add the number of Devices of Bluetooth in the title, and you can select device with keys
127de010 - 127de190 = Addition Background Pic and Brightness to "Menu -> Options"
127ddf20 - 127de008 = Display state of battery in StatusRow
127de1a0 - 127de260 = Change style of "Shortcuts"
127dea00 - 127def40 = Ability change orientation in file manager
127def50 - 127df3a0 = Additional Shortcuts and StuffPlayer in the Walkman
127df3b0 - 127df3e0 = Add icon in "Light" menu

[ Edited by matii_ziomek в 5.2.11 15:07 ]



Регистрация: 24.3.08
Сообщений: 22
Репутация: 21

  #61 [06.02.11, 13:14] Re: C702 SW-R3EF001   

;C702 SW-R3EF001
;Hide "Spk.On" and "Spk.Off" at incoming and outgoing calls
;(c) thomassafca
;(p) matii_ziomek

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