far cxc patcher для патчения *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке
SEFP2 для заливки патченых *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке
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Учет занятого места (phone_app):
15CE2300 - 15CE2340 - Вибра при соединении 15CE2340 - 15CE23E0 - Отображение имени абонента рядом с номером в смс 15CE23E0 - 15CE2470 - Расширенная регулировка яркости 15CE2470 - 15CE2510 - Управление радио и плеером с гарнитуры 15CE2510 - 15CE2550 - Вкл/выкл изображения часов по нажатию джойстика в Sleepmode 15CE2550 - 15CE2EE0 - Назначение мелодии на группы абонентов 15CE2F00 - 15CE3030 - Добавление тел. номера при написании SMS/MMS 15CE3030 - 15CE3090 - Исчезновение отчета о доставке через 5 секунд 15CE3090 - 15CE3100 - Поддержка кодировки win-1251 15CE3100 - 15CE34B0 - Напоминание о пропущенных вызовах и сообщениях виброй/мелодией/миганием оранжевого и красного диодов 15CE34B0 - 15CE3530 - Мигание фонаря при входящем вызове 15CE3530 - 15CE3810 - Выбор времени автоблокировки клавиатуры и подсветки 15CE3810 - 15CE3D60 - Просмотр логов на 5 вкладке Вызовов 15CE4000 - 15CF0000 - Elfpack + Library 15CF0000 - 15CF2000 - Конфиденциальность 15CF2000 - 15CF4000 - Копирование/перемещение файлов в любую папку 15CF4000 - 15CF4A00 - Shorcut add fix 15CF4A00 - 15CF4A40 - Исправить сброс звонка при закрытии слайда 15CF4A40 - 15CF4FB0 - Flash и Silent SMS
4BB207CC - 4BB207CD - Управление радио и плеером с гарнитуры 4BB207CD - 4BB207CE - Напоминание о пропущенных вызовах и сообщениях виброй/мелодией/миганием оранжевого и красного диодов 4BB207CE - 4BB207CF - Мигание фонаря при входящем вызове 4BB207CF - 4BB207D0 - Ability to choose the brightness in sleep mode 4BB207D0 - 4BB207D1 - Automatic turn off bluetooth after a certain time. 4BB207D1 - 4BB207D2 - Recycle Bin V2.1fix 4BB207D2 - 4BB207D3 - Selection an event by Timer V1.1 4BB207D3 - 4BB207D4 - Flasing Orange LED when alarm ringing 4BB207D4 - 4BB207D5 - Office player, radio and video through Headsets v. 4.5 4BB207D5 - 4BB207EB - Set display brightness according to time and battery level v1.1 4BB207EC - 4BB207ED - Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in sending OBEX page 4BB207EE - 4BB207F0 - Automatic control of brightness v2
;W705 R1GA031 ;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc ;Disable "sand-watch" in the explorer and dr.mestah ;Quitar "reloj de arena" de el explorador ;(c) dimonp25 ;(p) DJ ANSER
;W705 R1GA031 ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc ;Habilidad para poner archivo SWF como pantalla de inicio ;Ve a: Ajustes -> Pantalla -> Pantalla de inicio -> Imagenes -> imagenes ;Ability to set SWF file as the startup screen ;Go here: Settings -> Display -> Startup screen -> Picture -> Pictures ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) DJ ANSER
;W705 R1GA031 ;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc ;Changing the background to black at the entrance to the Camera ;Cambiar el fondo a negro al entrar a la camara ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) DJ ANSER
;W705 R1GA031 ;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc ;Remove SnoozeAlarm ;Now, when you alarm immediately is disabled ;Quitar alarma de despertador ;Ahora la alarma se desactiva inmediatamente y ya no te da la opcion de seguir activa cada 10 minutos ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) DJ ANSER
;W705 R1GA031 ;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc ;Remove background on Radio ;Quitar fondo de la Radio ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) DJ ANSER
15d79e70-15d79ed0 ;Show number of files and folders(are in current folder) in File Manager folders headers 15d79ee0-15d79f60 ;Viewing phone's heap in the Service Menu
;w705 SW-r1ga031 ;Viewing phone's heap in the Service Menu ;(c) farid ;(p) albertnet3
;W705 SW-R1GA031 ;Show number of files and folders(are in current folder) in File Manager folders headers ;(c) Amir_82111 ;(p) Cr@cShoT ;® albertnet3 (Make work in DB3210)
Waaaaaaaa I port from the W595 and already exist in db3210 xD!! Патч:
;W705 SW-R1GA031 ;Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in sending OBEX page ;(!) Heap shift (4BB207EC-4BB207ED) ;v 1.0 ;(c) Amir_82111 ;(p) albertnet3
phone_app.cxc: Код:
15d79f70-15d7a160 ;Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in sending OBEX page 15d7a170-15d7a600 ;Selection menu style/gui and mode Normal screen/Fullscreen
Heap shift Код:
4BB207EC-4BB207ED ;Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in sending OBEX page
help me in full working of the patch port by me: Патч:
;W705 SW-R1GA031 ;Selection menu style and mode Normal screen/Fullscreen ;Choose a style and gui here: Main Menu -> Options -> Styles/GUI ;(c) ZEN ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) albertnet3
Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success(R. W. Emerson)
Спасибо сказали: antoniomun
Регистрация: 15.9.09 Сообщений: 54 Репутация: 170 Откуда: Mexico City
;W705 R1GA031 ;Move flash menu files to "card/theme/Flash menu" directory ;Before patch installation to create a folder "Flash menu" in "theme" catalog on memory stick ;Mover menus flash a la M2 a la carpeta "card/theme/Flash menu" ;Antes de instalar el parche crea la carpeta "Flash menu" en "temas" en la memory stick ;(c) Jockep ;(p) DJ ANSER
;W705 R1GA031 ;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc ;Full access to file managers on Java in FS phone ;Attention! Having removed/having moved the necessary files, you can deprive with working capacity phone! ;Acceso total al FS por medio de aplicacion Java ;Attencion! Despues de haber quitado/habr movido los archivos necesarios, puedes privar la capacidad de tu cel ;(c) supertrubka.org , neoDimm ;(p) DJ ANSER
;W705 R1GA031 ;AdvPhoneStatus ;Items are in this order: ;Profile, Silent Mode, Battery, Temp, Time, Heap. ;Press long volume "+" to show ;v.1.0 ;(C) farid & anarkes ;(p) Cr@cShoT ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc ;159AA108: 3D5B2C15 D1A6D715 ;Press long volume "+"
Sorry, i fixed this last patch, djanser please... change your adress
Patch address actualizado asta la fecha 06/06/2010: Phone_emp_app.cxc:
10817460-10817470 ;Heap shift! more stability for patches! Phone_app.cxc: 144ebff0-144ec000 ;Hide icons in the transition to landscape mode
14b5f0a0-14b5f0d0 ;Show Radio in fullscreen v2
14b61fc0-14b62180 ;Logo Changer 14b621a0-14b62220 ;Browsing Web browser to full screen 14b62230-14b62350 ;Adds information on the number of messages v2
15CE2300-15CE2330 ;Vibra when connecting 15CE23E0-15CE2460 ;Advanced range of brightness 15CE2470-15CE2500 ;Office player and radio through Headsets 15CE2510-15CE2540 ;On / off images by pressing the joystick hours in Sleepmode 15CE2F00-15CE3020 ;Adding tel. numbers when writing SMS / MMS 15CE3030-15CE308C ;The disappearance of delivery report after 5 seconds 15CE3100-15CE34A0 ;Reminder of missed calls and messages vibroy / melody / blinking orange and red diodes V.4 15CE34B0-15CE3520 ;Flashing lamp for incoming call 15CE3530-15CE3800 ;The timing autolock keypad and backlight 15CE3810-15CE3D50 ;View logs for 5-tab calls patch is in addition to elf Call Logger ;================================================ 15CE4000-15CE9FFF ;Elfpack 15CEA000-15CEFFFF ;LIB ;================================================= 15CF0000-15CF2000 ; Privacy V.3(Private) 15CF2000-15CF4000 ;Copying / moving files in any folder V.2 (Private) 15CF4000-15CF4090 ;Shorcut add fix V.1 Required for compatibility with some elves (eg BookManager)
15d72700-15d72740 ;Change operator name to own 15d72750-15d727f0 ;Sounds on opening/closing slider 15d72800-15d72880 ;Add amount of free Heap at Quick Access menu 15d72890-15d731b0 ;Book Manager for A2 V2.1 15d731c0-15d73310 ;Ability to set the Radio on fullscreen and back to normal screen 15d73320-15d73390 ;Change way of showing windows "Play mode", "Visualizations", "Visualizations/Visualizations" and "Stereo widening" 15d733a0-15d73480 ;Addition options to "Menu -> Options"-mod. by albertnet3 15d734c0-15d735d0 ;Display name from the phone book instead of numbers when viewing SMS 15d735e0-15d73610 ;In the case of outgoing and incoming caller's photo shows a full area of the screen. 15d73620-15d73640 ;Adding icons in Notes 15d73650-15d736a0 ;Automatic turn off bluetooth after a certain time. 15d736b0-15d73700 ;Date below (the main screen) in the format "Monday, 06 mar " 15d73710-15d73a20 ;Added the option to change the flash file menu 15d73a30-15d73c50 ;Blacklist Reject mode 15d73c60-15d73c90 ;Change information about the file 15d73ca0-15d73f40 ;Add a choice of time playing tunes in the incoming message 15d73f50-15d74250 ;Change the style of "shortcuts" 15d74260-15d744d0 ;System/Temp Info 15d744e0-15d74c60 ;Change Quick Access Menu Style 15d74c70-15d74f20 ;Recycle Bin V2.1fix 15d74f30-15d74f70 ;Change the colors in FileManager (on view mode 3x3 and 5x5) 15d74f70-15d74f90 ; Replacement window "Use now?" After receiving the file on your phone 15d74fa0-15d74fe0 ;Change "Sony Ericsson ROCKS!" message to "Sony Ericsson ROCKS!!! Nokia SUCKS!!!" 15d74ff0-15d753c0 ;Selection an event by TimerV1.1 15d753d0-15d754b0 ;Add a new item Radio on the menu "Start phone" 15d753d0-15d75530 ;Add a new item Radio on the menu "Start phone"-mod. by albertnet3-V.2 15d753d0-15d75560 ;Add a new item Radio on the menu "Start phone"-mod. by albertnet3-V.3 15d755d0-15d76912 ;Book Manager for A2 V.3 15d76930-15D76950 ;Viewing Music application in full screen v3 15D76960-15D76A80 ;VibraMusic 15d76a90-15d76cd0 ;PhoneName-PhoneStatus-LogoOperator 15d76ce0-15d76f90 ;Ability to choose the time of illumination in sleep mode (1-8 sec.) 15d76fa0-15d77ef0 ;Add ability to change the retention time for each illumination BOOK 15d77f10-15d78450 ;Copying / moving files in any folder V.1 15d77f10-15d784a0 ;Copying / moving files in any folder V.1 mod by albertnet3 15d784b0-15d78540 ;Flasing Orange LED when alarm ringing 15d78550-15d78570 ;Place icons play/pause on center softkey in Video application 15D78580-15D78E93 ;Standby Manager 15d78ea0-15d78f60 ;Office player, radio and video through Headsets v. 4.5 15d78f70-15d79020 ;Change the heading style in the Inbox, Drafts, Sent Messages, Saved Messages, Conversations, El. mail 15d79030-15d79080 ;Drawing menu background "Options" from the menu background theme 15d79080-15d79120 ;Timer to reset and / or mute an incoming call 15d79130-15d79540 ;Supplement to patch "to reset the timers and / or mute an incoming call 15d79550-15d79850 ;Ability to choose the brightness in sleep mode 15D79860-15D79860 ;Add item "Record" in the Options in the FM Radio 15d79960-15d79a90 ;Set display brightness according to time and battery level v1.1 15d79aa0-15d79bb0 ;Ability On/Off transfer files via bluetooth 15d79bc0-15d79be0 ;Add icon on the item in the new device in "Bluetooth -> My device" 15d79bf0-15d79c30 ;FlashLight on / off by long pressed "Volume +" 15d79c40-15d79d20 ;Adds a header phonebook contacts number in the phone / SIM 15d79d30-15d79e60 ;Display free memory in the header tabs, File Manager and V.2 15d79e70-15d79ed0 ;Show number of files and folders(are in current folder) in File Manager folders headers 15d79ee0-15d79f60 ;Viewing phone's heap in the Service Menu 15d79e70-15d79ed0 ;Show number of files and folders(are in current folder) in File Manager folders headers V1.0 15d79f70-15d7a160 ;Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in sending OBEX page 15d7a170-15d7a600 ;Selection menu style/gui and mode Normal screen/Fullscreen 15d7a610-15d7a6d0 ;Display the number of files and folders (in the current folder) in the header File Manager V.2 15d7a6d0-15d7a910 ;AdvPhoneStatus 15d7a920-15d7a950 ;Viewing time calls by pressing the "Center" soft in the "Call list"
Heap shift: 4BB207CC-4BB207CD ;Office player and radio with headset 4BB207CD-4BB207CE ;Reminder of missed calls and messages vibration / melody / flashing orange and red diodes 4BB207CE-4BB207CF ;flashing lamp for incoming call 4BB207CF-4BB207D0 ;Ability to choose the brightness in sleep mode 4BB207D0-4BB207D1 ;Automatic turn off bluetooth after a certain time. 4BB207D1-4BB207D2 ;Recycle Bin V2.1fix 4BB207D2-4BB207D3 ;Selection an event by Timer V1.1 4BB207D3-4BB207D4 ;Flasing Orange LED when alarm ringing 4BB207D4-4BB207D5 ;Office player, radio and video through Headsets v. 4.5 4BB207D5-4BB207EB ;Set display brightness according to time and battery level v1.1 4BB207EB-4BB207EC ;FlashLight on / off by long pressed "Volume +"
;W705 SW-R1GA031 ;Change menu style in all OneOfMany Windows ;Put file "OneOfMany.ini" in the path "/usb/other/ini/" ;Use appz for edit the file ;Example of OneOfMany.ini: ;[Style]: 0x2; ;Styles (0x0...0x8) ;v.2 ;(c) k790Alex ;(p) albertnet3
;Change menu style in all OneOfMany Windows ;Put file "OneOfMany.ini" in the path "/usb/other/ini/" ;Use appz for edit the f [Style]: 0x2; ;Styles (0x0...0x8) ;(c) k790Alex ;(p)albertnet3
15d7a960-15d7aaa0 ;Change menu style in all OneOfMany Windows
[ Редактировано den_po в 10.6.10 09:26 ]
Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success(R. W. Emerson)
Спасибо сказали: D3mon, Cr@cShoT
Регистрация: 15.9.09 Сообщений: 54 Репутация: 170 Откуда: Mexico City
;W705 R1GA031 ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc ;Blinking red LED while charging ;When the battery is fully charged stops blinking ;Parpadeo del Led Rojo al cargar la bateria ;Cuando la bateria se carga por completo el parpadeo termina ;(!) HeapShift (4BB207ED-4BB207EE) ;(c) den_po, IronMaster ;(p) DJ ANSER
15D7AAB0-15D7AB20 ;Blinking red LED while charging
(!) Updated HeapShift (4BB207ED-4BB207EE)
[ Edited by djanser в 10.6.10 18:33 ]
DJ ANSER, Viva México
VIP Developer
Регистрация: 16.5.06 Сообщений: 1135 Репутация: 8514 Откуда: Пермь
IronMaster, you are talking about which patch ? i dont get you but , im always using orginal cxc and patches how kind then im adding like that if problem is my patch then may u give me information ? it will make me happy :) thanks very much.
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