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K850 SW-R1FA035 : Патчи A2 : Патчи : Форум : Для Sony Ericsson патчи эльфы моддинг прошивка
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Куратор(ы) темы: Legas



Регистрация: 26.8.07
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Откуда: Ростов-на-Дону

  #61 [01.01.09, 13:30] K850 SW-R1FA035   

Отдельная ветка про патчи для K850 SW-R1FA035

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far cxc patcher для патчения *.cxc файлов обсуждается в этой ветке

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[ Редактировано Legas2 в 16.3.13 19:10 ]

SGS3 white
Спасибо сказали: -Sanek-, centrumse, IIIyXeP, H0sseiN, Дыма, Virusmarinka, AlexuS, nazario, scrscr, Ivanchick, pavelsh, farid, josthyn05, a6b6



Регистрация: 1.12.09
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Откуда: Turkey / Crusaderzone!..

  #62 [27.08.10, 05:32] Re: K850 SW-R1FA035   


;K850 R1FA035
;View Call Logger logs in 5. tab of "calls" Menu
;This patch is addition of Call Logger elf. No need to use this patch without elf.
;Ability to view and delete call logs.
;Added item for viewing online internet traffic
;Added date selection for old call logs
;(C) IronMaster
;(p) Lathander Crusader

;K850 R1FA035
;Ability to set time of illumination in SleepMode (1-8 sec)
;Settings > Brightness > Options > Time
;(c) Ploik
;(p) Lathander Crusader

;K850 R1FA035
;Add "More" menu list on main and sub menu
;Item list: Themes, Wallpaper, Brightness, Bluetooth
;(c) yener90
;(p) Lathander Crusader

;K850 R1FA035
;Change style and functionality of Quick Access menu
;Now showing items: Restart, Shutdown, Flight mode/Normal mode, Bluetooth on/off, Keylock, Turn on/off silent, Phone status and Profiles
;On left softkey added items Record sound, Calculator, Calendar, Applications and display informations about patch
;Opening Main Menu by pressing button "c"
;Added Free HEAP on Title of GUI
;(!) Remove all patches which connected to QuickAccessMenu
;(c) michlantecuhtli
;(r) KrasH
;(e) jamesbond22
;(e2) farid
;(p) Lathander crusader

;K850 R1FA035
;Work menu, caused by a button on / off in FlightMode
;This patch is necessary for proper work of Quick Access Menu patch by michlantecuhtli
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(p) Lathander Crusader

;K850 R1FA035
;Add item "MusicTagger" to Options->File menu in MusicApplication_Book
;Elf should be placed in "/usb/other/ZBin" and named as "MusicTagger.elf"
;Original idea by ilmir5555
;(c) blacklizard
;(p) Lathander Crusader

[ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 20.9.10 05:22 ]

Remove old patch and use this..
This patch is fixed..

;K850 R1FA035
;Add item "Smart Search" in the file manager
;Elf should be in "/usb/other/ZBin/FindFiles.elf"
;(c) Ploik
;(p) Lathander Crusader

;K850 R1FA035
;Run elf Myshortcuts © albertnet3
;for runing elf press short press the softkeys lefth in standbybook
;© albertnet3
;(r)Blacklizard (Remove unnesesary code)
;(p) Lathander Crusader

;K850 R1FA035
;Additional menu in the player by pressing a button END
;And remove the item in the functions of Minimize
;v. 1
;(!) Not compatible with the patch "Pressing button END minimized player, click "Close" to "Disable""
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) Lathander Crusader

[ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 20.9.10 05:31 ]

I changed camera shortcut to videodj shortcut before porting..
I think it is better..

;K850 R1FA035
;Add item "New" in the file manager
;Options -> Create new.:
;- Voice (starts recorder)
;- Video (launches the videoDj Application)
;- Text (Elf CreateTXTFile)
;Path to elf "/ usb / other / Zbin / CreateTXT.elf"
;(c) Lars aka DrummMaster
;(p) Lathander Crusader

Actually, I have created this patch for Daemons Admin elf..
But it is unable to make that elf work in K850i now..
So, I changed the elf to Java Manager..

;K850 R1FA035
;Change shortcut "bookmarks" to "Java App" (Java Manager.elf)
;Put JavaManager.elf to folder: "/ usb / other / Zbin / JavaManager.elf"
;(c) Lathander Crusader


Mate Madfish showed me a way for running DaemonsAdmin elf in K850i.
So I've updated this patch.. I will never update this patch again.
Now I can fastly run all my elfs when the phone reboots because of errors.

;K850i R1FA035
;Change Some Shortcuts in 4. Tab of Activity Menu..
;Shortcut "Search Web" to "Java App" /Java Manager.elf
;Shortcut "Bookmarks" to "Auto Start (All)" / DaemonsAdmin.elf
;Put DaemonsAdmin.elf and JavaManager.elf to: "/ usb / other/ ZBin /"
;(c) Lathander Crusader
;(r) adekbiroe and Madfish for ideas..

[ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 24.9.10 03:46 ]

Hmm.. It has been long time after my last port..

;K850 R1FA035
;Change style in calls menu
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) Lathander Crusader

;K850 R1FA035
;Remove the "-" from first Date format
;Now date is like this: DD MMM YYYY
;(c) thomassafca
;(p) Lathander Crusader

;K850 R1FA035
;Change item style in USB modes
;(c) DaRkMaN
;(p) Lathander Crusader
113F6268: 0021 0221; Item Style

;K850 SW-R1FA035
;Change style in file manager
;Hide Softkeys
;(c) Juhu07
;(p) Lathander Crusader

;K850 SW-R1FA035
;Add item "Total delete" to More--File in the player
;This item removes current track from the memory
;Added ask for deleting from memory
;Added ask for deleting from list
;(c) D3mon
;(R) Ploik
;(p) Lathander Crusader

;K850 SW-R1FA035
;Add menu Stuff Player in WALKMAN
;Add item "MusicDJ" in the options->Stuff Player in the Walkman
;Add item "VideoDJ" in the options->Stuff Player in the Walkman
;Add item "MusicTagger" in the options->Stuff Player in the Walkman
;Add item "MusicWidget" in the options->Stuff Player in the Walkman
;Add item "Visualization" in the options->Stuff Player in the Walkman
;The path to the elf MusicTagger /usb/other/ZBin/MusicTagger.elf
;The path to the elf MusicWiget /usb/other/ZBin/IMW.elf
;The path to the elf Visualization /usb/other/ZBin/Visualization.elf
;Stuff Player->Music DJ
;Stuff Player->Video DJ
;Stuff Player->MusicTagger(MusicTagger.elf)
;Stuff Player->MusicWidget(IMW.elf (C) mc_kibel)
;Stuff Player->Visualization(Visualization.elf)
;Not need to edit .Lng
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) Lathander Crusader

[ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 15.10.10 05:02 ]

Sony Ericsson Satio U1 on Developing:
Acoustic + Camdriver + Increased Heap + File system mods + Patches...
Спасибо сказали: AlexuS, farid



Регистрация: 27.2.10
Сообщений: 44
Репутация: 212

  #63 [02.09.10, 19:18] Re: K850 SW-R1FA035   

;K850 R1FA035
; Set display brightness according to time and battery level v1.1
;(!) To use with "Advanced range of brightness adjustment" patch
;(!) To start the patch you need to go: Menu->Settings->Display->Brightness
; and you must change brightness to different level !
;From 00:00 to 06:59 = 30%
;From 07:00 to 10:59 = 50%
;From 11:00 to 19:59 = 70%
;From 20:00 to 23:59 = 40%
;When battery level is lower than 10%, brightness will be reduced to 10%
;(!) Heapshift 29CB1808
;(c) mc_kibel
;(e1) HoloSan (changed timetable & %)
;(e2) Vitor_Boss® (removed unnecessary code, increased time to 5Sec )
;(p) Vitor_Boss®

Добавлено 2.9.10 16:01

;K850 R1FA035
;Multimedia doesn't ever apper by pressing "Back" in the player
;(c) D3mon
;(p) Vitor_Boss®

Добавлено 4.9.10 19:02

;K850 R1FA035
;Automatic control of brightness v2
;Much improved version of BrightnessController patch/elf
;Ability to set brightness level in four time intervals
;Ability to decrease brightness level if battery is low
;Special menu with option to enable / disable automatic mode
;Showing icon in Tray, if automatic mode is enabled
;Configuration menu for intervals / brightness levels
;Showing work mode under "Brightness" in menu (example: Automatic : 70%)
;After phone restart, automatic mode is disabled! You need to enable it again in menu
;What edited:
;+change some code for proper work on db3150v1
;+Ability to run item with numeric keys
;(!) You must add new item "Brightness_AdvancedSettings" in menu.ml
;(!) Dont remove "Settings_Brightness_Id" in menu.ml
;(!) Heapshift (29CB1808-29CB1810)
;(c) mc_kibel
;(e) farid
;(p) Vitor_Boss®

Add item "Brightness_AdvancedSettings" in menu.ml!

<element id="Brightness_AdvancedSettings">
                <label type="helptext" textid="LS_LIGHT_INFO_HLP" />
                           <label type="name" textid="LS_BRIGHTNESS_TXT" />
                           <link type="internal" />

Спасибо сказали: MiFa, parfen, KRYON



Регистрация: 25.7.08
Сообщений: 226
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Откуда: Кемерово

  #64 [18.10.10, 16:22] Re: K850 SW-R1FA035   

по запросу.Патч:
;K850 SW-R1FA035
;Отключить меню, вызываемое по короткому нажатию кнопки Вкл.\Выкл.
;Для эльфа Shutdown и других
;(c) DuXeN0N
;(p) Alex_1992

Sony Ericsson Cedar
Fly IQ441 Android 4.0.4

Highscreen Boost II
Спасибо сказали: Di93



Регистрация: 1.12.09
Сообщений: 59
Репутация: 1025
Откуда: Turkey / Crusaderzone!..

  #65 [02.11.10, 03:51] Re: K850 SW-R1FA035   

Information and musictagger links were fixed (by farid)
;K850 R1FA035
;Add menu Stuff Player in WALKMAN
;Stuff Player
;->Music DJ
;->Video DJ
;->MusicTagger (MusicTagger.elf (c) unfunk)
;->MusicWidget (IMW.elf (C) mc_kibel)
;->ClearBass (ClearBassEQ (c) mc_kibel)
;The path to the elf MusicTagger /usb/other/ZBin/MusicTagger.elf
;The path to the elf MusicWiget /usb/other/ZBin/IMW.elf
;Optimized Code + removed unused code
;(c) antoniomun
;(e) farid
;(p) Lathander Crusader

[ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 2.11.10 00:52 ]

;K850 SW-R1FA035
;Show full month in standby
;Now its like this "November" instead of "Nov"
;(c) thomassafca
;(p) Lathander Crusader

;K850 SW-R1FA035
;Set a password to access the window management alarm when triggered
;When the alarm goes off pressing the window asks for a password
;If successful, the password is an alarm clock can be turned off / put on repeat
;When you enter a password failure of an alarm clock is ringing again
;Passwords alarm does not stop
;Default password is "0000"
;v1.0 fix
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(e) Madfish
;(p) Lathander Crusader

This screenshots were taken with an en.lng which was not edited..

;K850 R1FA035
;Add ability to disable / change the layout Standby
;(Operator, notes, clock, date, timer, a call, an alarm clock)
;To Preset patch to add a new item in the menu.ml phone
;Added a second line of information about item
;(c) Ploik & MaPkiZzz
;(p) Lathander Crusader

;K850 R1FA035
;Add the number of Devices of Bluetooth in the title, and you can select device with keys
;(!) You can select if add the number in 2 titles or 1 title, in the end of patch
;(c) anarkes
;Original Idea by DaRkMaN
;(p) Lathander Crusader

;K850 R1FA035
;Drawing menu background "Options" with the menu background theme
;(C) Therion
;(p) Lathander Crusader
1167492E: 20 24

;K850 R1FA035
;Add the number of calls (All, Answered, Dialed, & Missed)
;(c) anarkes
;(p) Lathander Crusader
;v 1.1

;K850 R1FA035
;Change the color of the upper bar in SMS editor
;(C) jamesbond22
;(P) Lathander Crusader

1222c6e0-1222c780 --> Add the number of calls (All, Answered, Dialed, & Missed)
1222c780-1222c7A0 -->Change the color of the upper bar in SMS editor

I can not be very active about patches until next April...
it is due to my works in faculty. Sorry about it.. Happy patching...

[ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 28.1.11 17:22 ]

; K850 SW-R1FA035
; Change style GUI for copying and moving files
; Changing the style of the GUI \ "Copy to \" and \ "Move to \"
; You can replace 01 to 00, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 - are two different styles
; You can change 01 to 00, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 - this is different styles
; (c) Mcming1989
; (p) Lathander Crusader

; K850 SW-R1FA035
; Ability to enable / disable request when receiving files via Bluetooth
; Settings -> Connections -> My phone's name -> Settings
; Functions: "Always allow" - "Always ask"
; (i) conflict with the patch "Delete message" Receive a file? (Yes / No) "when making a file via bluetooth "
; (c) ZEN
; (e) jamesbond22
; (p) Lathander Crusader

; K850 SW-R1FA035
; Remove black background when watching pictures in 3x3 and 5x5
; Fix Tittle-bars
; Fix. to draw elves
; Cursor Color is taken from the theme
; (c) Therion
; (p) Lathander Crusader
; V1.1

;K850 SW-R1FA035
;Remove window "Alarm turned on XX:XX"
;(c) MaPkiZzz, HotRabbit
;(p) Lathander Crusader
10ef6bb8: 58F38EFCA06101B0002819D0291C FFF74CF80020A061012006B070BD

;K850 SW-R1FA035
;Change style of "Shortcuts"
;- Add icon in the title
;- Change style of items
;- Show window in full screen
;- Show phone heap in second line of title
;- Ability to select item with numeric keys
;(c) DaRkMaN
;(p) Lathander Crusader

;K850i SW-R1FA035
;EXIF viewer v.3
;(c) Amir_82111
;(p) Lathander Crusader

1222d040 - 1222dff0 ----> Exif Viewer (c) Amir_82111

[ Редактировано LathandredCrusader в 14.2.11 22:46 ]

Sony Ericsson Satio U1 on Developing:
Acoustic + Camdriver + Increased Heap + File system mods + Patches...
Спасибо сказали: josthyn05, MASVA



Регистрация: 26.5.08
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Откуда: Казахстан, Семипалатинск

  #66 [17.12.10, 10:32] Re: K850 SW-R1FA035   

Патч+эльф для тех у кого сдохли сенсорные элементы. Функции сенсоров исполняют:
Прием вызова: короткое - левый сенсор, долгое - прим вызова
Фокус камеры: центральный сенсор, в камере работает как обычно
Отбой вызова: короткое - правый сенсор, долгое - отбой вызова и стандартные функции

НЕ РАБОТАЕТ В ЯВА ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯХ!!! (Планируется исправить, либо эльфом либо патчем)

Patch+Elf for those, who has dead sensor elements. Functions of sensors are on:
Accept call: short - left sensor, long - accept call
Focus camera: central sensor, in camera works as usually
Reject call: short - right sensor, long - reject call and standart functions

DO NOT WORK IN JAVA APPLICATIONS!!! (In plans to fix it by elf or patch)

;K850 SW-R1FA035
;Небольшой фикс-исправление keybd_event для эльфа SofiaSofts (SS.elf)
;(c) Evil-Racer

Добавлено 17.12.10 13:38

Замайн взял подальше, чтоб не мешался =)
1222d000-1222d03F - Небольшой фикс-исправление keybd_event для эльфа SofiaSofts (SS.elf)

[ Редактировано Evil-Racer в 17.12.10 13:40 ]

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

SS.zip SS.zip (0.74 kb; 38 hits) Скачать файл

K3OOi » K75Oi » K8OOi » K85Oi » K3OOi » T29Oi » W95Oi » W995 » C51O » W7OOi » MT15i » K8OOi » Z53Oi » K75Oi
Спасибо сказали: E1kolyan, farid, HotRabbit, pavelsh


VIP Developer

Регистрация: 16.5.06
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Откуда: Пермь

  #67 [22.12.10, 16:15] Re: K850 SW-R1FA035   

;K850 SW-R1FA035
;Назначение мелодии на группы абонентов
;Патч позволяет устанавливать мелодию на группу абонентов, которая будет проигрываться при входящем вызове
;Персональная мелодия абонента имеет высший приоритет
;Назначение происходит в меню Тел. книга -> Функции -> Группа
;Также позволяет устанавливать мелодию на неизвестные и скрытые вызовы
;Положите в папку /card/music файлы unknown.mp3 и hidden.mp3
;При отсутствии файлов будет проигрываться сигнал вызова
;(c) IronMaster

K700->W810->W850->W705 & W995 (cid81)
Спасибо за пожертвования:
Resp, ploik, BanditNN, AlexTin, polza, romanchenko, Ryabchik, Ax, [b]Desp
Спасибо сказали: LathandredCrusader, KRYON



Регистрация: 10.7.10
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  #68 [07.04.11, 00:36] Re: K850 SW-R1FA035   

;K850 R1FA035
;Remove message "Note hidden"
;(c) Juhu07
;(p) Tracer123

;K850 SW-R1FA035
;Hide icons in File Manager Tittle bars
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Tracer123
;PAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

;K850 r1fa035
;Removes the background dialog boxes
;(C) UltraShot
;(p) Tracer123
1165784E: 051c 0025 ;00 -background color 00 <- transparent

;K850 SW-R1FA035
;Transparent background in information
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) Tracer123

[ Редактировано tracer123 в 6.4.11 21:37 ]

[ Редактировано den_po в 7.4.11 09:40 ]

Спасибо сказали: LathandredCrusader



Регистрация: 11.1.09
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Откуда: Краснодар

  #69 [10.04.11, 19:31] Re: K850 SW-R1FA035   

;K850 R1FA035
;Изменение времени показа окна "Передан сигнал "занято" / Вызов переадресован"
;(C) KrasH
;(p) MAVER145
10EEF4CC: 8813 F401 ; установлено 0,5 сек.

K600 R2BB001, J10i2 R7CA064, C905 R1FA035, J108 R7EA011, U10 R7BA084
Спасибо сказали: LathandredCrusader, Vov4ик



Регистрация: 1.12.09
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Откуда: Turkey / Crusaderzone!..

  #70 [11.04.11, 19:51] Re: K850 SW-R1FA035   

;K850 SW-R1FA035
;The ability to change the style in the File Manager
;Ability to change the GUI: Normal screen, Full Screen, Style, Activiti menu
;Ability to show / hide the soft
;To see the settings, you press Options in the File Manager
;You can not select an element is used.
;Now update automatically after you select
;(!) Lng: 0x1BF, 0x1C0
;(c) Juhu07
;(p) Lathander Crusader
;PAtChFiLe = / boot / phone_app.cxc

;K850 SW-R1FA035
;Advanced image management
;Ability to put pictures on:
;- Off the phone
;- The main background
;- Menu background
;(!) Lng: 1C7C - The background, 1C7D - Menu background
;(C) Therion
;(p) Lathander Crusader

Sony Ericsson Satio U1 on Developing:
Acoustic + Camdriver + Increased Heap + File system mods + Patches...
Спасибо сказали: Ersin



Регистрация: 22.2.10
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Откуда: Poland

  #71 [22.05.11, 20:39] Re: K850 SW-R1FA035   

for request my friend
if patch body is wrong write to me I will change it

;K850 R1FA035
;Show fullscreen in Inbox, Drafts, Sent Messages and Saved messages
;(c) Antoniomun
;(p) Godlesplay

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