Simple Advanced MainMenu
(c) myrzeugTransform your MainMenu similar to the A2 MainMenu
You can customize your MaunMenu to the fullest, without having to edit your
SAMM v2.5: * Added SKIN configuration!, You can change the skin of MainMenu (icons, shortcuts) directly and in real time without editing
* Multiple Skins support
* Added SKIN EDITION, you can change the configuration of the skin in real time
*Added features of VibraMenu
*Added Bcfg configuration file:
Start Button, Remove Scroll BETA, Vibra Menu
SAMM v2.5.5: *Bug fixed in Edition Skin
SAMM v2.6: Bug fixed:
*Fixed problems in Register/Unregister images forever
*Remove scroll bar forever (in full screen style)
+Posibility to change the default path for your SAMM folder (in bcfg file)
+Now you can create the SubMenu structure (BETA)
The Editor was separate in a new elf: SkinEditor.elf You can create and edit ALL with the SkinEdtor.elf
Rename the Skin.cfg as Skin.skn(!) You can register the extension skn if you want in your ext.ini
(!) Bcfg File: you must configure the path of your:
BcfgEdit.elf and
SkinEdtor.elf (!) Each skin must be paced in a folder (name folder = name of skin), all folders paced in the main folder: %BCFG_Skins Path_FOLDER%/SAMM/
SAMM v2.7a: +Possibility to add java applications in SubMenus
+Close if Inactivity
+Added 2 new skin styles FULL ANIMATED

You can customize parameters such as, coordinates of center, radius of semi-circle, space between icons, scroll speed, label's positions, etc
(See attached file for mor detailes)
You can customize parameters such as, coordinates of 1th and 2th line icons, space between icons, scroll speed, label's positions, etc
(See attached file for mor detailes)
SAMM v2.7b: +Optimized code
(!) StartButton must be = your defaul button in standby to show deaful MainMenu
+Possibility to add java in MainMenu
+Option to Investing joystick movement
+Option to show all icons in Semi-Circle Style
+Some improvements
SAMM v2.7c:
+FIX problems (Menu->Entertaiment->Games, etc)
(!) StartButton must be = your defaul button in standby to show deaful MainMenu
(!)For correct operation in DYN_CONST must be present:
(Для корректной работы в DYN_CONST должны присутствовать:)
SAMM v2.7dfix:
FIX bugs:
- the problem in Skin_Style 3 (gif/png icons)
- work immediately to restart
+ optimizedSkinEditor 1.2 Updated and Fixed
Now everything can be configured from SkinEditor
Some screens:
Default Style ( 12 icons in all screen)
GIF Icons

OLD Examples of Skins[ Edited by myrzeug в 7.4.09 16:52 ]