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Регистрация: 31.5.09 Сообщений: 24 Репутация: 61
#1 [31.05.09, 21:07] TriX - fast, flexible, universal patching system
Hi, Due to major changes in TriX code (SE related) I decided to edit that old post. Currently it's far more stable, faster and userfriendly, I hope ;) TriX required both Qt4 and CRT libraries, you'll find it in link below. In plugins folder I put a few useful plugins (disassembler, emulator etc. ) In scripts/SE should be placed TriX scripts Scripts:Fresh copy of SE scripts could be obtained from official TriX repository: /TriX/scripts/SE/user: mados pass: behave! Files to download:Files will not be moved anymore. Links points always to the last version of files. TriX [~500 KB]TriX itself with plugins ARMulate, DisARM, fmtBABE and XML. TriX tools [~3.5 MB]GNU tools set require to compile/assembly code (very good replacement for IAR). FASM-ARM with corrected small bug included also. TriX includes [~100 KB]Includes and macros required to use GNU tools. All ElfLib functions included (we can use it in own patches quite easily) Qt4 + CRT [~3.6 MB]Libraries required by TriX (Qt4 and CRT) regards, Bartek [ Edited by ndt в 11.9.09 23:07 ]
Спасибо сказали: pahon, michlantecuhtli, HotRabbit, Zormax, HeMo, bazk7i, MNS81, 273308715, zylka, jamesbond22, -Sanek-


Регистрация: 6.12.07 Сообщений: 462 Репутация: 1165 Откуда: Чернигов & Киев
#2 [12.07.09, 20:25] Re: Создание патчи через скрипты для TriX
Move files. At rapid speeds gives error!!!!
Error" The uploader has removed this file from the server"
Перезакачай файлы. На рапиде Выдает ошибку!!!
w580 R8BE001 WMR: R168151148681 WMU: U112893933179 WME: E123439764501 WMZ: Z161980978444


Регистрация: 31.5.07 Сообщений: 55 Репутация: 77
#3 [12.07.09, 22:01] Re: Создание патчи через скрипты для TriX
Спасибо сказали: Desperanto


Регистрация: 31.5.09 Сообщений: 24 Репутация: 61
#4 [12.09.09, 01:13] Re: Создание патчи через скрипты для TriX
GVI functions for any firmware in 10 secs? 1. Select firmware you want to (mbn, raw, bin, cxc supported)  2. Go to Scripts tab and select create_elflib.trx script...  3. ...and add it to list  4. Hit Start button! Program will display simple menu choose 2 if you want to locate only some specific functions (GVI are 0x37C-0x396)  regards, Bartek [ Edited by ndt в 11.9.09 23:23 ] Added 29.9.09 22:01 some user suggest me to post info new version is out so I do :) most important changes TriX maps correctly A2 phone memory segments - some protected routines are copied during boot time to another segments of memory (like memalloc, memfree etc). Maybe IDA CXC loader, should do it also apply_patches - apply patches to cxc file form patches list or separate vkp patches, all dirty stuff (patching, checking patches. recalculating SHA-1 hashes) is done by TriX Revision 3638 (2009/09/28): [*]optimized generating patches method (much faster now) [*]every firmware modification goes through the fmtBABE now [*]corrected mapping of protected routines [*]improved find_free_space script [*]SE locate patterns moved to separate file [*]fmtBABE fixed to work with k850 firmware [*]SE apply patches script added
Revision 3623 (2009/09/19): [*]fixed TFILE FAT structure to work with files larger than 32MB [*]added SHA-1 hash generation [*]better method of detecting firmware/platform version [*]added basic SE firmware encoding (A2 platform, R&D cert.) [*]some new scripts added
Revision 3612 (2009/09/11): [*]filenames handled using system code page [*]fixed console build configurations [*]fmtBABE - some parts of code rewritten from scratch [*]file_get_path replaced by set_cwd to get better results in debugging [*]added ui_dlg_save_file [*]small commit to handling TriX .txj projects [*]SE: GVI functions added to locate () [*]ui_dlg_load_file improvement [*]SE reference_searcher script, based on bl_reference_searcher [*]leading spaces were cut from strings, fixed [*]some bugfixes [*]minor changes
Спасибо сказали: Blend, IntrO

Регистрация: 10.10.09 Сообщений: 10 Репутация: 1
#5 [10.10.09, 12:54] Re: TriX - fast, flexible, universal patching system
I tried this with my W595 R3EF001! I used "Build library" then I get this: What I have to do wthi this?


Регистрация: 15.4.09 Сообщений: 258 Репутация: 656 Откуда: берутся дети?
#6 [10.10.09, 13:03] Re: TriX - fast, flexible, universal patching system
gani, save on lib.vkp
HTC Desire - MIUI

Свой в доску

Регистрация: 19.8.07 Сообщений: 1764 Репутация: 1322
#7 [10.10.09, 13:04] Re: TriX - fast, flexible, universal patching system
gani писал: What I have to do wthi this?
use it for porting or creating patches. 
XPeria X8 ROM 2.3.5 GingerDX v008


Регистрация: 31.5.09 Сообщений: 24 Репутация: 61
#8 [10.10.09, 20:38] Re: TriX - fast, flexible, universal patching system
yeah something like that ;) user Lollylost100 asked me about possibility of resizing cxc file to get some extra space for patches graphics etc. I found some time to look it closer and I did it Revision 3645: [*]added some new SE functions [*]fmtBABE handle resized cxc files correctly now [*]v_set_w_raw_inline bugfix
with super_size_me script you can get up to a dozen MB or so   regards, Bartek

Регистрация: 10.10.09 Сообщений: 10 Репутация: 1
#9 [10.10.09, 23:05] Re: TriX - fast, flexible, universal patching system
Blend писал: How to do this? jamesbond22 писал: Don`t know what I have to do with this codes! ndt писал: I get error when I try "find free space script":


Регистрация: 31.5.09 Сообщений: 24 Репутация: 61
#10 [11.10.09, 12:17] Re: TriX - fast, flexible, universal patching system
@gani], did you checkout repository? ;)
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