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BrightnessController v4.4 : Эльфы : Форум : Для Sony Ericsson патчи эльфы моддинг прошивка
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  #11 [02.07.09, 22:05] BrightnessController v4.4   

Brightness Controller v4.4
+ A2 Support
Author: Mc_kibel.

-Configurable intervals!!
--from 00:00 to xx default: to 7:00
--from xx to yy default: to 11:00
--from yy to zz default: to 20:00
--from zz to 00:00
-CheckConfig System added
--If CheckConfig system will find errors in .bcfg file, elf will be closed and default settings will be restored.

--Changed structure of BCFG file
--Code optimization
--BCFG name changed to "BrightnessController" (before: BacklightController)
--Changed default settings

-Very important update! Fixed work of all systems together. I found some important bugs - now all are fixed ( I hope =) ).

Works perfectly on DB2010 & DB2020!!
You need in library: 828A, 828B, 8141, 81B8, 31C, 31D - otherwise phone will restart!!

Elf supports two mode of work - MANUAL and AUTO

1. Installation
-Put an elf into ZBin or Daemons and run it!
-BCFG file will be created in config folder on memory stick
-If memory stick is not present, BCFG will be created on internal memory in Config folder

2. Options
-BCFG Support!:

  • [*]You can change the keys for increasing / decreasing brightness and key mode (default: volume up / volume down [short press] for DB2020)
    [*]You can disable MessageBoxes with information "Brightness Increased" / "Brightness Decreased" !
    [*]You can disable brightness control, when media player/radio/camera/screensaver/video player are on!
    [*]You can enable/disable EnergySaver System (TM) !!
    -EnergySaver system is a great option: When we have less than XX% of battery left, brightness will be decreased to value from BCFG.
    For example: If we enable this option, and if we set Battery percent to 15, and decrease to 10, if we have less than 15% of battery left, brightness will be decreased to 10%.
    [*]You can enable/disable Inteligence AutoBacklight (TM) !!
    -This option sets automatically brightness level according to hour. We can set four different time intervals in BCFG:
    == from 00:00 to x (set X in BCFG, eg. if x is equal 7, this interval will change brightness to set level from 00:00 to 7:00 )
    == from x to y (X is taken from first interval, set Y here; eg. if y is equal 11, this interval will change brightness to set level from 7:00 to 11:00 )
    == from y to z (Y is taken from second interval, set Z here; eg. if Z is equal 20, this interval will change brightness to set level from 11:00 to 20:00 )
    == from z to 00:00 (Z is taken from third interval - set only BRIGHTNESS LEVEL here )
    [*]If Inteligence AutoBacklight(TM) or EnergySaver are on, Automatic work mode is on. If automatic work mode is on, you can't increase/decrease brightness manually. You need to disable AutoBacklight if you want to manually change brightness (and EnergySaver too - but only, when you have less than XX% of battery left) !
    [*]You can use both systems (Inteligence AutoBacklight and EnergySaver System) at the same time!! There are three most advanced conditions, so there is no problem to use both systems at the same time! :)
    [*]Elf has security for "out of range" brightness level - if brightness level is equal to 100%, code for improving brightness is not performed, so do not worry ;)

  • Default settings:
    Increasing key - Volume Up, short press //DB2020, db2010 owners need to set keys in BCFG
    Decreasing key - Volume Down, short press //DB2020, db2010 owners need to set keys in BCFG
    Disabled when media player, video player, screensaver or camera are on
    EnergySaver System (TM) - ON; if we have 10% of battery, brightness will be decreased to 10%.
    Inteligence AutoBacklight (TM) - ON;
    -from 00:00 to 7:00 - 10%
    -from 7:00 to 11:00 - 40%
    -from 11:00 to 20:00 - 80%
    -from 20:00 to 00:00 - 10%

    3. Thanks to:
    -Zylka from CentrumSE.pl for any help
    -Edgpaez for disable brightness regulation when media player or radio is on!
    -SE-Developers.net and CentrumSE.pl community for ideas!

    4. Write what do you think about it. I'm waiting for sugestions.

    v4.3 In attachment!

    Regards =)

    [ Редактировано mc_kibel в 4.7.09 16:55 ]

    Добавлено 4.7.09 16:56

    V4.00 released!!

    -Configurable intervals!!
    --from 00:00 to xx default: to 7:00
    --from xx to yy default: to 11:00
    --from yy to zz default: to 20:00
    --from zz to 00:00
    -CheckConfig System added
    --If CheckConfig system will find errors in .bcfg file, elf will be closed and default settings will be restored.

    info about Inteligence AutoBacklight:

    You can enable/disable Inteligence AutoBacklight (TM) !!
    -This option sets automatically brightness level according to hour. We can set four different time intervals in BCFG:
    == from 00:00 to x (set X in BCFG, eg. if x is equal 7, this interval will change brightness to set level from 00:00 to 7:00 )
    == from x to y (X is taken from first interval, set Y here; eg. if y is equal 11, this interval will change brightness to set level from 7:00 to 11:00 )
    == from y to z (Y is taken from second interval, set Z here; eg. if Z is equal 20, this interval will change brightness to set level from 11:00 to 20:00 )
    == from z to 00:00 (Z is taken from third interval - set only BRIGHTNESS LEVEL here )

    [ Редактировано mc_kibel в 5.9.09 16:46 ]

    [ Редактировано mc_kibel в 9.9.09 19:30 ]

    [ Edited by mc_kibel в 15.7.10 18:49 ]

    Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

    BrightnessController_v3.051.elf BrightnessController_v3.051.elf (6.66 kb; 66 hits) Скачать файл
    BrightnessController_v4.00.elf BrightnessController_v4.00.elf (7.73 kb; 132 hits) Скачать файл
    BrightnessController_v4.20.elf BrightnessController_v4.20.elf (7.84 kb; 138 hits) Скачать файл
    BrightnessController_v4.3.elf BrightnessController_v4.3.elf (8.21 kb; 338 hits) Скачать файл
    BrightnessController_4.4.elf BrightnessController_4.4.elf (8.53 kb; 148 hits) Скачать файл
    Спасибо сказали: 68-artem, amir_82111, michel1907, Blend, atskiy_w800i, Sborshik, Ryabchik, Scorpion, staromand, syaupin, Artkor, -Sanek-, SoLiDuS_91, flips, Melodic_Death, Mojsa



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      #12 [26.06.10, 16:26] Re: BrightnessController v4.3- New!   

    Brightness Controller для A2

    Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

    Brightness_Controller_4.4.elf Brightness_Controller_4.4.elf (8.53 kb; 35 hits) Скачать файл

    Спасибо сказали: punchaleksey



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    Откуда: Никополь, украина

      #13 [27.06.10, 10:38] Re: BrightnessController v4.3- New!   

    всё клас, я за добавление регулировки контрастности, думаю впользователи ш800, к750 вам скажут огромное спасибо))

    Dimodem wants jp-6 для своего соника w800 :-o :-?



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      #14 [27.06.10, 10:50] Re: BrightnessController v4.3- New!   

    dimodem, кaкaя контрaстность?
    Этот эльф рeгулируeт яркость подсвeтки в зaвисимости от врeмeни.

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