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W705 SW-R1GA031 : Патчи A2 : Патчи : Форум : Для Sony Ericsson патчи эльфы моддинг прошивка
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VIP Developer

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  #271 [15.01.10, 20:05] W705 SW-R1GA031   

Отдельная ветка про патчи для W705 SW-R1GA031

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K700->W810->W850->W705 & W995 (cid81)
Спасибо за пожертвования:
Resp, ploik, BanditNN, AlexTin, polza, romanchenko, Ryabchik, Ax, [b]Desp
Спасибо сказали: TahaSpawn, blacklizard, albertnet3, E1kolyan, Happy, KIBER-DEMON, GaS, djanser, Oganyan-Arthur, 05M4N, darkboy9, H0sseiN, VovanLS, AlexuS, SoLiDuS_91, BrghtnsS, Cr@cShoT, Heber, farid, buhh83, a6b6, iZLOM, Ersin



Регистрация: 12.6.09
Сообщений: 283
Репутация: 1826
Откуда: Argentina-Bs. As.

  #272 [29.04.12, 19:05] Re: W705 SW-R1GA031   

;W705 SW-R1GA031
;Disable visibility VolumeControl
;The volume bar is now displayed everywhere (java / sleepmode)
;(C) diezil
;(p) albertnet3

Sе Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success(R. W. Emerson)
Спасибо сказали: SoLiDuS_91, Эриксон62, vetel, Done4, MiFa



Регистрация: 12.6.09
Сообщений: 283
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Откуда: Argentina-Bs. As.

  #273 [04.05.12, 03:40] Re: W705 SW-R1GA031   

;W705 SW-R1GA031
;Advanced menu "New Events"
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) albertnet3

Sе Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success(R. W. Emerson)
Спасибо сказали: biems, a6b6, Эриксон62



Регистрация: 12.6.09
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Откуда: Argentina-Bs. As.

  #274 [10.05.12, 09:27] Re: W705 SW-R1GA031   

mmm wonder, would have to show the bar but does not display is stranger, i tested the function in helloword, if set value 0 progresbar enable but in this gui not showing is very strange hehe. ;)

;W705 SW-R1GA031
;Enable Progress Bar in sound recording.
;remove system sound of memory full in sound recording.
;add the option "Recorded sounds"
;in the first gui of Sound Recorder book.
;add option view and sort order in "Recorded sounds".
;(c) albertnet3
;v1.0 fix



Sе Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success(R. W. Emerson)
Спасибо сказали: a6b6, godlesplay, Boysie, Done4, MNS81, KnoonK



Регистрация: 12.6.09
Сообщений: 283
Репутация: 1826
Откуда: Argentina-Bs. As.

  #275 [11.05.12, 07:16] Re: W705 SW-R1GA031   

hi, thanks E1kolyan for share your code.:
;Отображение свободной памяти в заголовках вкладок Диспетчера файлов
;1 вкл. - телефон/карта, 2 вкл. - карта, 3 вкл. - телефон
;Добавлена метка "Своб:" на первую вкладку
;v. 3
;(c) E1kolyan

and I have rewritten all the code to optimize and add the menu to set the title in the file manager.
greetings ;)
;W705 SW-R1GA031
;Memory manager.
;posibility to config the title of the file manager
;and set free or used memory in Percent,
;or MB or GB in all title tabs.(except 4 & 5 tab.).
;or put default title "Manage file/In card/In Phone".
;added the label "Free or used " in all tabs.(except 4 & 5 tab.)
;Completely rewritten code
;(c) albertnet3 and E1kolyan
;add this in your menu.ml to view the new menu:
;<element id="Memory_Manager_Set_Id">
;<label type="name"><text>Memory Manager</text></label>
;<link type="internal" />

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

FreeMemory_Edit.rar FreeMemory_Edit.rar (394.60 kb; 55 hits) Скачать файл

Sе Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success(R. W. Emerson)
Спасибо сказали: a6b6, crisbeto, buhh83, biems, MiFa


VIP Developer

Регистрация: 16.5.06
Сообщений: 1135
Репутация: 8514
Откуда: Пермь

  #276 [15.05.12, 22:58] Re: W705 SW-R1GA031   

;W705 SW-R1GA031
;Корректное отображение софтов при написании текста в java приложениях
;Исправляет проблему неправильного отображения команд на софтах и положения курсора при входе в Функции
;(c) IronMaster

K700->W810->W850->W705 & W995 (cid81)
Спасибо за пожертвования:
Resp, ploik, BanditNN, AlexTin, polza, romanchenko, Ryabchik, Ax, [b]Desp
Спасибо сказали: buhh83, E1kolyan, biems, godlesplay, MNS81, Nook, MrGraL, Vov4ик, farid, Metaler, vetel, Done4, KnoonK, gordan33-92, albertnet3, MahmudS, a6b6, Эриксон62



Регистрация: 12.6.09
Сообщений: 283
Репутация: 1826
Откуда: Argentina-Bs. As.

  #277 [23.05.12, 02:13] Re: W705 SW-R1GA031   

;W705 SW-R1GA031
;Storing settings in the registry patches
;Storage path / apps / patch-settings
;Types of records: 1 - integer; 2 - 'char'; 3 - 'wchar'; 4 - binary
;v. 2

;W705 SW-R1GA031
;Protection from deleting messages
;Added a password to protect configuration
;Used a standard phone password
;Added a message that it is impossible to remove
;Added protection against removal from the menu of events
;Added protection from removal of tagged posts
;(!) Storing the settings in the registry patch, v. 2
;(!) menu.ml element id = "SMS_Protection_Id"
;+Added protection in the GUI deleting all messages and all messages readed
; v. 3.1

;W705 SW-R1GA031
;Add the ability to show IMEI or Show the message "Private IMEI" when you press *#06# and in
;Service -> Service Info -> Configuration.
;To show IMEI or Show Message, you need press left softkey in the GUI of IMEI (*#06#)
;(c) anarkes
;(!)need Storing settings in the registry patches V.2
;+add menu for set config
;to enter in gui of setting need password of phone

15cf5020-15cf5150 ;Storing settings in the registry patches

15DA2740 - 15DA2B80 ;Protection from deleting messages V3.1
15DA2B80 - 15DA3080 ;Add the ability to show IMEI or Show the message "Private IMEI" V.1

Added 24.5.12 01:48

;W705 SW-R1GA031
;Cart v 2.5
;When you delete a file (s) to delete the dialog, adds the ability to move the file to the "Trash"
;If confirmed - the file is sent to the "Trash"
;Press "* Keys" before confirming - the confirmation file is removed, above the "Trash"
;Press "# keys" dialog elimination - the entrance to the "Trash"
;To enter the "shopping cart" you can enter the phone code
;Standard "0000", see Options - Security - Insurance - Protect your phone
;Have added the methods to mark files in the Recycle Bin
;Entry was added to the basket from a window to delete a folder
;+added option for Set View Mode And Sort Order in Cart

15DA3080 - 15DA3380 ;Cart v 2.5

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

Sе Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success(R. W. Emerson)
Спасибо сказали: buhh83, Metaler, Done4, farid, a6b6, biems, Эриксон62, E1kolyan, KnoonK, godlesplay, MNS81



Регистрация: 12.6.09
Сообщений: 283
Репутация: 1826
Откуда: Argentina-Bs. As.

  #278 [24.05.12, 09:55] Re: W705 SW-R1GA031   

;W705 SW-R1GA031
;Display free memory in the title tabs File Manager
;One incl. - The phone / card, two incl. - Map 3 incl. - Phone
;Added the label "FREE" on the first tab
;Ability to select the display style of memory:
;Standard, Free (%) Used (%), free (MB), used (MB)
;Settings Manager in the files of / Options / Comp. Memory / Options
;(!)Storing the settings in the registry patches
;v. 4

15DA1DF0 - 15DA2730 ;Display free memory in the title tabs File Manager V4

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

Sе Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success(R. W. Emerson)
Спасибо сказали: KnoonK, a6b6



Регистрация: 12.6.09
Сообщений: 283
Репутация: 1826
Откуда: Argentina-Bs. As.

  #279 [01.06.12, 23:00] Re: W705 SW-R1GA031   

;W705 SW-R1GA031
;Protection delete
;Ability to set on/off action deleting Folders.
;Ability to set on/off delete One File, all files, and files marked.
;Ability to set on/off delete Calls In the CallList and contacts in phone book.
;Ability to set on/off delete in:
;One SMS, all SMS, All SMS Readed, marked and in menu New events.
;Show message that it is impossible to remove
;and play internal sound indicate action Failure.
;add this line in your menu.ml "Protection_Delete_Id".
;To enter to "Protection Delete" need password of phone.
;(!)Storing the settings in the registry patches V.2

15DA3380 - 15DA3ED0 ;Protection delete V1.0

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:
Protection_delete.rar Protection_delete.rar (3.16 kb; 35 hits) Скачать файл

Sе Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success(R. W. Emerson)
Спасибо сказали: Metaler, antoniomun, a6b6, michel1907, LiNkMaN, Done4, farid, KnoonK



Регистрация: 12.6.09
Сообщений: 283
Репутация: 1826
Откуда: Argentina-Bs. As.

  #280 [05.06.12, 04:55] Re: W705 SW-R1GA031   

removed written String in the patch now use file.lng.
remove 1 GUI oneOfmany now use only 1 gui for set the position and mode of visualization.
all for to use less code in the patch and reduced 906 lines to 877

;W705 SW-R1GA031
;Add information about the audio in the file manager
;-Displays the album cover
;-Displays the progressbar, slider and stroke
;-Choosing a progressbar: regular and rounded ends
;-Display of time: a complete, current, remaining
;-Displays the tags: artist, album, title, year, genre, bitrate
;-Displaying the icons: the background, the frame
;-Setting up the activity, color, etc.
;-Set the font and origin in real time
;-Ability to use the color of the background
;-Enable / disable the animation window to appear
;-Ability to minimize the window
;-Edit tags in Music Tagger
;-Ability to show / hide the status bar
;-Ability to show / hide the software
;-Auto-close window
;-Atoobnovlenie settings
;Joystick up / down - Volume
;*-Key lock

and thanks to e1kolyan, for sharing the source of this patch, my big respect to him. good hobby. ;)
15DA3ED0 - 15DA73F0 ;DBPlayer for A2 v4.2

0x29a1 current time
0x29a2 bitrate
0x29a3 album cover
0x29a4 Color Stroke
0x29a5 Slider
0x29a6 Fill Color
0x29a7 Center

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:
Add_information_about_the_audio_in_the_file_manager.rar Add_information_about_the_audio_in_the_file_manager.rar (14.45 kb; 31 hits) Скачать файл

Sе Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success(R. W. Emerson)
Спасибо сказали: a6b6, Aang, godlesplay, bill_kevin



Регистрация: 12.6.09
Сообщений: 283
Репутация: 1826
Откуда: Argentina-Bs. As.

  #281 [06.06.12, 11:40] Re: W705 SW-R1GA031   

by request of the user Handy_man
;W705 SW-R1GA031
;add links to folders Músic and Vídeos on softkeys in main menu
;remove code unecessary and optimized

[ Edited by albertnet3 в 6.6.12 16:16 ]

Прикрепленный к сообщению файл:

Sе Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success(R. W. Emerson)
Спасибо сказали: Handy_man, a6b6, KnoonK, E1kolyan
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