if you like to have a fixed background and text colour then you can modify your shellstyle.dll.
do this solution only if it is very important [for your needs--> health neccecity, eyes etc as this is not the best solution]
first save to a safe place your original microsoft shellstyle.dll , copy it from
C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\Aero\Shell\NormalColor to a safe folder .
then copy it again lets say to your desktop. Open your shellstyle.dll with freeware resource hacker (
http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/ ),
select view , find text and writte : <if id="atom(clientviewhost)">
you will see this
<if id="atom(clientviewhost)">
background="themeable(gtc(ItemsView, 0, 0, 3802), window)"
sortcolumn="themeable(gtc(ItemsView, 0, 0, 3802), window)"
subtext="ARGB(255, 139, 139, 139)"
the background parameter gives you the background color, if you like to have a fixed color then change this from:
background="themeable(gtc(ItemsView, 0, 0, 3802), window)" to be
background="themeable(ARGB(0, ---, ---, ---), window)" the --- is the rgb color you like.
so i choose for you a colour[if you dont like find your favourite] so lets say a 216, 232, 242 so background will be as:
background="themeable(ARGB(0, 216, 232, 242), window)"
then replace the values to look like
<if id="atom(clientviewhost)">
background="themeable(ARGB(0, 216, 232, 242), window)"
sortcolumn="themeable(gtc(ItemsView, 0, 0, 3802), window)"
subtext="ARGB(255, 139, 139, 139)"
then select again view , find next and again replace the <if id="atom(clientviewhost)"> as many times this exist.
then select compile script, and save it. [ you can also change the text color to a fixed color changing the parameter foreground="windowtext" to a parameter like foreground="windowtext" to foreground="themeable(ARGB(255, 252, 252, 252), windowtext)" or foreground="themeable(ARGB(255, 128, 128, 128), windowtext)" or whatever color you like]
after save it you replace your original shellstyle.dll from your C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\Aero\Shell\NormalColor if you use the aero theme
as the source of your experiment. restart to see your changes.
do that on your own risc.