VIP Developer
Регистрация: 16.5.06 Сообщений: 1135 Репутация: 8544 Откуда: Пермь
#291 [15.01.10, 20:05] W705 SW-R1GA031
Отдельная ветка про патчи для
W705 SW-R1GA031 Перед тем как выложить патч, смотрим Правила оформления патчей . Все патчи для этой модели и версии выкладываем здесь, обсуждение в данном топике запрещено, обсуждение ТУТ This topic is for patches only, All discussions are HERE Все просьбы о портировании пишем - Идеи и запросы патчей А2 All request about porting write - Идеи и запросы патчей А2 far cxc patcher для патчения
*.cxc файлов обсуждается в
этой ветке
SEFP2 для заливки патченых
*.cxc файлов обсуждается в
этой ветке
Все патчи вы ставите на свой страх и риск! Прежде чем выкладывать свой патч, посмотрите как он оформлен у других. В шапке патча обязательны указания копирайта (автор, портер). Все патчи заключайте в тег [vkр] кнопка - Учет занятого места (phone_app):
15CE2300 - 15CE2340 - Вибра при соединении 15CE2340 - 15CE23E0 - Отображение имени абонента рядом с номером в смс 15CE23E0 - 15CE2470 - Расширенная регулировка яркости 15CE2470 - 15CE2510 - Управление радио и плеером с гарнитуры 15CE2510 - 15CE2550 - Вкл/выкл изображения часов по нажатию джойстика в Sleepmode 15CE2550 - 15CE2EE0 - Назначение мелодии на группы абонентов 15CE2F00 - 15CE3030 - Добавление тел. номера при написании SMS/MMS 15CE3030 - 15CE3090 - Исчезновение отчета о доставке через 5 секунд 15CE3090 - 15CE3100 - Поддержка кодировки win-1251 15CE3100 - 15CE34B0 - Напоминание о пропущенных вызовах и сообщениях виброй/мелодией/миганием оранжевого и красного диодов 15CE34B0 - 15CE3530 - Мигание фонаря при входящем вызове 15CE3530 - 15CE3810 - Выбор времени автоблокировки клавиатуры и подсветки 15CE3810 - 15CE3D60 - Просмотр логов на 5 вкладке Вызовов 15CE4000 - 15CF0000 - Elfpack + Library 15CF0000 - 15CF2000 - Конфиденциальность 15CF2000 - 15CF4000 - Копирование/перемещение файлов в любую папку 15CF4000 - 15CF4A00 - Shorcut add fix 15CF4A00 - 15CF4A40 - Исправить сброс звонка при закрытии слайда 15CF4A40 - 15CF4FB0 - Flash и Silent SMS 15D71F10 - 15D72060 - Add-on for Copying/moving files in any folder v2 and Privacy v3 15D72060 - 15D72090 - Change list menu GUI 15D722E0 - 15D72620 - Add Six submenu to 5 tab 15D72620 - 15D72660 - Addon for Privacy patch v.3 15D72660 - 15D72700 - Complement for the to patch "Copy/Move files to any folder (v.2 © IronMaster)" 15D72700 - 15D72750 - Change operator name to own 15D72750 - 15D72800 - Sounds on opening/closing slider 15D72800 - 15D72890 - Add amount of free Heap at Quick Access menu 15D72890 - 15D731C0 - Book Manager for A2 15D731C0 - 15D73320 - Ability to set the Radio on fullscreen and back to normal screen 15D73320 - 15D733A0 - Change way of showing windows "Play mode", "Visualizations", "Visualizations/Visualizations" and "Stereo widening" 15D733A0 - 15D73490 - Addition options to "Menu -> Options" 15d734C0 - 15D735E0 - Display name from the phone book instead of numbers when viewing SMS 15D735E0 - 15D73620 - In the case of outgoing and incoming caller's photo shows a full area of the screen 15D73620 - 15D73650 - Adding icons in Notes 15D73650 - 15D736B0 - Automatic turn off bluetooth after a certain time. 15D736B0 - 15D73710 - Date below (the main screen) in the format "Monday, 06 mar " 15D73710 - 15D73A30 - Added the option to change the flash file menu 15D73A30 - 15D73C60 - Blacklist Reject mode 15D73C60 - 15D73CA0 - Change information about the file 15D73CA0 - 15D73D00 - Run elf MyShortcuts © albertnet3 15D73D10 - 15D73D40 - When you click the "Back" player "Multimedia" does not appear ever 15D73F50 - 15D74260 - Change the style of "shortcuts" 15D74260 - 15D744E0 - System/Temp Info 15D744E0 - 15D74C70 - Change Quick Access menu style 15D74C70 - 15D74F30 - Recycle Bin V2.1fix 15D74F30 - 15D74F70 - Change the colors in FileManager (on view mode 3x3 and 5x5) 15D74F70 - 15D74FA0 - Replacement window "Use now?" After receiving the file on your phone 15D74FA0 - 15D74FF0 - Change "Sony Ericsson ROCKS!" message to "Sony Ericsson ROCKS!!! Nokia SUCKS!!!" 15D74FF0 - 15D753D0 - Selection an event by TimerV1.1 15D753D0 - 15D75570 - Add a new item Radio on the menu "Start phone" 15D75570 - 15D755A0 - View in full screen model info, message secret and ability to set icon in model info 15D755D0 - 15D76920 - Book Manager for A2 V.3 15D76930 - 15D76960 - Viewing Music application in full screen v3 15D76960 - 15D76A90 - VibraMusic 15D76A90 - 15d76CE0 - PhoneName-PhoneStatus-LogoOperator 15D76CE0 - 15D76FA0 - Ability to choose the time of illumination in sleep mode (1-8 sec.) 15D76FA0 - 15D77F00 - Add ability to change the retention time for each illumination BOOK 15D77F00 - 15D784B0 - Copying / moving files in any folder 15D784B0 - 15D78550 - Flasing Orange LED when alarm ringing 15D78550 - 15D78580 - Place icons play/pause on center softkey in Video application 15D78580 - 15D78EA0 - Standby Manager 15D78EA0 - 15D78F70 - Office player, radio and video through Headsets v. 4.5 15D78F70 - 15D79030 - Change the heading style in the Inbox, Drafts, Sent Messages, Saved Messages, Conversations, El. mail 15D79030 - 15D79090 - Drawing menu background "Options" from the menu background theme 15D79090 - 15D79130 - Timer to reset and / or mute an incoming call 15D79130 - 15D79550 - Supplement to patch "to reset the timers and / or mute an incoming call 15D79550 - 15D79860 - Ability to choose the brightness in sleep mode 15D79860 - 15D79960 - Add item "Record" in the Options in the FM Radio/;Agrega la opcion "Grabar" en Opciones del Radio 15D79960 - 15D79AA0 - Set display brightness according to time and battery level v1.1 15D79AA0 -15D79BC0 - Ability On/Off transfer files via bluetooth 15D79BC0 -15D79BF0 - Add icon on the item in the new device in "Bluetooth -> My device" 15D79BF0 -15D79C40 - FlashLight on / off by long pressed "Volume +" 15D79C40 -15D79D30 - Adds a header phonebook contacts number in the phone / SIM 15D79D30 - 15D79E70 - Display free memory in the header tabs, File Manager V2 15D79E70 - 15D79EE0 - Show number of files and folders(are in current folder) in File Manager folders headers 15D79EE0 - 15D79F70 - Viewing phone's heap in the Service Menu 15D79F70 - 15D7A170 - Show transfer speed, percent, time elapsed/left in sending OBEX page 15D7A170 - 15D7A610 - Selection menu style/gui and mode Normal screen/Fullscreen 15D7D610 - 15D7A6D0 - Display the number of files and folders (in the current folder) in the header File Manager V.2 15D7A6D0 - 15D7A920 - AdvPhoneStatus 15D7A920 - 15d7A960 - Viewing time calls by pressing the "Center" soft in the "Call list" 15D7A960 - 15D7AAB0 - Change menu style in all OneOfMany Windows 15D7AAB0 - 15D7AB30 - Blinking red LED while charging 15D7B070 - 15D7B0C0 - Add left softkey "Minimize" for playing music in FileManager 15D7B0C0 - 15D7B190 - Show clocks on the screen when you charging turned off phone 15D7B190 - 15D7B2A0 - Extended character table. Added 54 characters 15D7B2A0 - 15D7B360 - Ability to run Deskbar elf GUI by 15D7B360 - 15D7B390 - Add icon in service menu 15D7B390 - 15D7B4A0 - Office of the player with the keyboard 15D7B4A0 - 15D7B4D0 - Show in FullScreen and add icon in "my Business Card" 15D7B4D0 - 15D7B520 - Show in FullScreen and add icon in SoundRecorderBook Ver. fix 15D7B520 - 15D7B560 - Show in FullScreen "NotesBook" 15D7B560 - 15D7B5A0 - Choise Style Items and add icon in Start Phone 15D7B5A0 - 15D7B5F0 - Add icon in "NotesBook" 15D7B5F0 - 15D7B850 - Add option to Enable/Disble SleepMode 15D7B850 - 15D7C810 - EXIF viewer V3.0 15D7C810 - 15D7C8A0 - Keycode 15D7C8A0 - 15D7C8E0 - Ability to minimize the window file transfer via Bluetooth 15D7C8E0 - 15D7C930 - Switching between Portrait mode and Landscape mode on Video application 15D7C930 - 15D7C980 - Adding to the Radio item "WAKMAN" 15D7CC50 - 15D7CC80 - Reject calls from hidden numbers 15D7CC80 - 15D7D6B0 - Additional features in the player 15D7D6B0 - 15D7D920 - Add the ability to include \ disable Activity Menu 15D7D920 - 15D7DAE0 - BlackBerry List Menu (BBLM) 15D7DF80 - 15D7E080 - Ability to redraw player with the help of elves 15D7E080 - 15D7E9F0 - Change the items in a sleep mode 15D7E9F0 - 15D7F7C0 - Automatic control of brightness v2 15D7F7C0 - 15D7F7E0 - Change color of bar behind caller/dialed name 15D80000 - 15D801D0 - Дoбaвить пyнкт "Зaпиcaть" в Фyнкции в Фм-Paдиo 15D801D0 - 15D80600 - Add the question of replacing the file (if file name already exists ) 15D80600 - 15D80640 - Vibra at the time of finding / losses network, as well as the performance of the new network search 15D80640 - 15D80B40 - Change menu style off 15D80B40 - 15D80C10 - ClearBass Equalizer add-on 2.0+ 15D80C10 - 15D80C30 - Add 2 options when is copying/moving files 15D80C30 - 15D80DA0 - Change the order of the settings in Walkman 15D80DA0 - 15D80E70 - Add to the left soft "function" in the startup menu 15D80E70 - 15D80EA0 - Button " C " in the player works as a play / pause 15D80EA0 - 15D80FA0 - Supplement to patch "Additional features in the player v1.4", V.3.1 15D80FA0 - 15D80FD0 - Quick access to Internal FS (/ tpa" and "/ card / system" through "Activity Menu) 15D80FD0 - 15D81000 - Blocking and inclusion slipmode after an outgoing call 15D81000 - 15D81470 - Selection menu style and mode Normal screen/Fullscreen for elements of MainMenu 15D81470 - 15D81700 - Supplement to Book Manager v3.0 15D81700 - 15D81740 - Add icon in the window "Continue Through the loudspeaker?" 15D81770 - 15D818B0 - Supplement to patch "Additional features in the player v1.4", V.3.2 15D818B0 - 15D81900 - Blink red diode to full off 15D81900 - 15D81A30 - Correction "Smart Search" 15D81A30 - 15D81B20 - Adds a header phonebook contacts number in the phone / SIM Ver_Fix 2 15D81B20 - 15D81C30 - Complement for patch: "Add item Record in Radio" 15D81C30 - 15D81D70 - Adds item "Tag Editor" in Options -> File menu player 15D81D70 - 15D81DC0 - Change Style showing IMEI window 15D81DC0 - 15D81E50 - Opening table of symbols by long pressing key '*' 15D81E50 - 15D81E70 - Cursor always on the first contact from the list when sending sms 15D81E70 - 15D81F50 - Show heap in standby 15D81F50 - 15D82040 - Display state of battery in StatusRow 15D82040 - 15D821A0 - Displays a process of transmission through BT in the status bar 15D821A0 - 15D821F0 - Quick access to "Elfos/ZBin" in Menu Activity 15D821F0 - 15D82440 - Add the possibility to enable / disable SleepMode v1.2 15D82440 - 15D835A0 - Add ability to change the retention time of illumination for each BOOK v3 fix 15D835A0 - 15D83600 - Fix for patch "Add option to Enable/Disable SleepMode" © k790Alex 15D83600 - 15D83730 - Add item "File Manager" in the function of player 15D83730 - 15D83E00 - Radio Autoshutdown 15D83E00 - 15D8B600 - Возможность перемещать элементы режима ожидания 15D8B610 - 15D8D6E0 - playing melodies on the hour 15D8B6E0 - 15D8B7B0 - Add "Delete all"in the Options - File in player 15D8B7B0 - 15D8B890 - Add item " Visualization as a function of player 15D8B890 - 15D8B900 - Add icons for items in Contacts "Myself" and "New Contact" 15D8B900 - 15D8B990 - Add the number of latest recent contacts (more options) when sending SMS 15D8B990 - 15D8BA60 - add-on for MyBrowserInfoTrack.elf © anarkes and albertnet3 (private) 15D8BA80 - 15D8BBF0 - Add "Delete all" in the Options - File in player 15D8BBF0 - 15D8BF80 - Change Left Softkey in Standby to "GoTo Shortcut" 15D8BF80 - 15D8C020 - Add item "Smart Search" in the file manager 15D8C020 - 15D8C160 - Ability to select GUI of Music Application 15D8C160 - 15D8C320 - Add item "Create"in the file manager 15D8C320 - 15D8C350 - Смена цветов в интерфейсе настроек Камеры 15D8C360 - 15D8C3B0 - Change style in file manager 15D8C3B0 - 15D8C650 - Ability to set the player in full screen and back 15D8C660 - 15D8C700 - Change way of showing windows "Play mode", "Visualizations", "Visualizations/Visualizations" and "Stereo widening" 15D8C700 - 15D8C7A0 - Change style in Star Menu + Viewing heap in of title + add icon 15D8C7A0 - 15D8C9F0 - Ability to show / hide the contact number for incoming / outgoing calls 15D8CA00 - 15D8CBD0 - Add the ability to show IMEI or Show the message "Private IMEI" when you press *#06# and in Service -> Service Info -> Configuration. 15D8CBD0 - 15D8CC00 - Add icon to Play mode in walkman player 15D8CC00 - 15D8CD70 - Service Menu Mod. 15D8CD80 - 15D8CDF0 - Sound at the entrance to the main menu 15D8CE00 - 15D8CE70 - Add title, icon and label number in Service menu-->Text labels 15D8CEA0 - 15D8D0A0 - VIDEO_SHORTCUTS 15D8D0A0 - 15D8D360 - Add a choice of time playing tunes in the incoming message 15D8D360 - 15D8D420 - Add the number of Devices of Bluetooth in the title, and you can select device with keys 15D8D420 - 15D8D7D0 - STUFF_PLAYER 15D8D7D0 - 15D8DCC0 - Selection Style and Mode GUI in Calls 15D8DCC0 - 15D8E140 - Selection menu style in all OneOfMany Windows 15D8E140 - 15D8E610 - Choice of style and mode of presentation of items 15D8E610 - 15D8EA90 - Additional Shortcuts and StuffPlayer in the Walkman 15D8EA90 - 15D8ED00 - Enable / disable the light sensor 15D90000 - 15D91480 - Folder Lock V3.0 15D91480 - 15D915A0 - The volume not change after reboot 15D915A0 - 15D91950 - Ability to require a password to read any message V.3.0 15D91950 - 15D91CE0 - Ability to disable / enable USSD messages V.1.1 15D91CE0 - 15D922E0 - Update FS 15D922E0 - 15D92680 - time turning the camera off when idle 15D92680 - 15D926B0 - Hide softkeys in mainmenu 15D926B0 - 15D92840 - Clock display on the screen while charging the phone off 15D92840 - 15D92D40 - Select text color in the windows of Information 15D92D40 - 15D932D0 - Playqueue Advanced Config 15D932D0 - 15D93750 - Ability to show/hide Statusrow 15D93750 - 15D94880 - Conversation Text Color Editor 15D94D50 - 15D95220 - Change 4 th tab in the Activity Menu to File Manager 15D95220 - 15D95280 - Add a icon to window "Delete file?" in Filemanager 15D95280 - 15D952B0 - Function Play / Pause in Camera key 15D952B0 - 15D95500 - Ability to enable/disable anonymous call rejection 15D95500 - 15D95770 - Automatic turn off bluetooth by timer 15D95770 - 15D95970 - Automatic voice recording at the beginning of a conversation 15D95970 - 15D961F0 - Add an image to default progress bar in music player 15D961F0 - 15D966D0 - Advanced image management 15D966D0 - 15D96790 - Add the source and destination path in the box when copying / moving a file
K700->W810->W850->W705 & W995 (cid81) ==========WMZ307721639637 WMR675285842893 Спасибо за пожертвования:Resp , ploik , BanditNN , AlexTin , polza , romanchenko , Ryabchik , Ax , [b]Desp
Спасибо сказали: TahaSpawn, blacklizard, albertnet3, E1kolyan, Happy, KIBER-DEMON, GaS, djanser, Oganyan-Arthur, 05M4N, darkboy9, H0sseiN, VovanLS, AlexuS, SoLiDuS_91, BrghtnsS, Cr@cShoT, Heber, farid, buhh83, a6b6, iZLOM, Ersin
VIP Developer
Регистрация: 16.5.06 Сообщений: 1135 Репутация: 8544 Откуда: Пермь
#292 [21.11.14, 14:17] Re: W705 SW-R1GA031
Исправил баг с ребутом при раннем нажатии кнопок после загрузки (до инициализации листа).
Теперь поддерживает установку "онлайн"
Патч: ;W705 SW-R1GA031 ;Дополнительные ссылки ;Позволяет назначать ссылки на удержание влево/вправо/вверх/вниз, нажатие джойстика, л.софт, п.софт ;Функции назначаются из Меню->Настройки->Общие->Ссылки ;(!) Перед установкой патча применить приложенный shortcut_addon.reg ;(!) Не совместим со всеми патчами которые меняют функции софтов на рабочем столе ;Совместим с runtime_vkp ;pAtChFiLe=/boot/phone_app.cxc ;v. 2.5r icon ;(c) IronMaster
K700->W810->W850->W705 & W995 (cid81) ==========WMZ307721639637 WMR675285842893 Спасибо за пожертвования:Resp , ploik , BanditNN , AlexTin , polza , romanchenko , Ryabchik , Ax , [b]Desp
Спасибо сказали: a6b6
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