W910 SW-R1FA037 : Патчи A2 : Форум |
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Photographer: |
20.01.09, 19:06 |
Отдельная ветка про патчи для W910 SW-R1FA037 Перед тем как выложить патч, смотрим Правила оформления патчей. Все патчи для этой модели и версии выкладываем здесь, обсуждение в данном топике запрещено, обсуждение ТУТ This topic is for patches only!!!! All discussions are here!!! Все просьбы о портировании пишем - Идеи и запросы патчей А2 a2 runtime patcher для патченья платформы а2 обсуждается в этой ветке Все патчи вы ставите на свой страх и риск! Прежде чем выкладывать свой патч, посмотрите как он оформлен у других. В шапке патча обязательны указания копирайта (автор, портер). Все патчи заключайте в тег [vkp] кнопка - Учет замейна: HeapShift: |
Photographer: |
20.01.09, 19:32 |
+10000000 2180810 - 2180880: Russian WIN support 2180890 - 21808B0: Change operator logo 21808C0 - 2180940: Advanced Brightness 2180940 - 21809E0: Sliding sounds 1.3 21809F0 - 2180A50: Keycode W910 SW-R1FA037 Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Change "DSC" to "PIC" in names created photos ;(c) jockep ;(p) Photographer Патч: ;W910 R1FA037 ;Show unrounded brightness percentages.(77%) ;© 2007KrasH ;(p) Photographer Патч: ;W910 R1FA037 ;Bluetooth only in "send" option ;v. 1fix ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) Photographer Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Recorded videos called MP4xxxxxxxx ;(C)Jockep ;(p) Photographer Патч: ;W910 R1FA037 ;Radio without handsets ;(c) Phenomen ;(p) Photographer Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Move tpa/system/icons to card/other/icons ;Create a folder called "icons" in the "other" folder on your memory card ;(c)Lynott ;(p) Photographer Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Change the secret menu ">*<<*<*" to any keycombination ;(c) demon_17 ;(p) Photographer Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Change "Sony Ericsson ROCKS!" to "Nokia SUCKS" ;Usage: (ServiceMenu-->ModelInfo-->Press 2,4,6,8) ;(r) D-Man ;(P) Photographer Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Whitelist to blacklist ;(c) SiNgle ;(p) Photographer Патч: ;W910 R1FA037 ;Renaming files along with the expansion ;© IronMaster ;(P) Photographer Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;KeyCode ;Viewing of hex-numbers of keys in "Service tests"-"Keyboard" ; (c) RandoM ; (r) UltraShot ; (i) Va_st ; (p) Photographer [ Редактировано Photographer в 24.1.09 11:07 ] [ Редактировано Photographer в 24.1.09 11:11 ] Добавлено 2.2.09 11:15 Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Heap shift! more stability for patches! ;????? ????! ?????? ???????????? ??????! ;(c) den_po ;(p) Photographer ;v.64k ;info 4 patchmakers: 2A2AC3EC...2A2BC3EB ;this info is firmware version dependent Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Open files with the extension *. vkp integrated browser as text files instead of *. txt or *. htm ;Ver 2 ;(c) McG ;(r) polza ;(p) Photographer Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ; Clear some messages ; v.2 ; © jamesbond22 ; (p) Photographer Патч: ;W910 R1FA037 ;Displays files with the extension ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) Photographer Патч: ;W910 R1FA037 ;Delete Icon Key in Java ;v 0.1 ;(c) Adrian ;(p) Photographer Патч: ;W910 R1FA037 ;Renaming files along with the expansion ;© IronMaster ;(P) Photographer [ Редактировано Photographer в 2.2.09 11:17 ] |
johnliang: |
20.02.09, 02:01 |
Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Replacing operator on behalf of its ;(c) Sic ;(r) Va_st ;(p) johnliang |
milad_a: |
22.05.09, 18:27 |
Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Activate settings item for all applications ;(c) RandoM ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Add in information about a file to display the file size in bytes ;v2 ;Now works with photos ;(c) Tartes ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA035 ;Add support for any picture-extensions in VideoDJ ;(c) Joker XT ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Adjust the brightness of the keys "Volume + / - " ;v.1fix ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Advanced brightness settings, illumination values possible from 10% to 100 ;© IronMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Block display the name of an operator SIM-card ;Title is taken from the network operator ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Change Alarm Melody Time ;(c) demion ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Change background color in pictures and video preview on selected ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Change brightness settings in the Brightness menu. ;Correct and replace xx with a value in hex. (0-64) ;(!) For correct display per patch requires "Display unrounded brightness settings" ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Change color background in FileManager ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(r) yener90 ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Change font for info RDS ;© jamesbond22 ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;change font in sms and somewhere else ;00 small, 02 big, 01 default ;(c) SiNgle ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Change indication time in sleep mode. Was 5 sec. ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Supplement to Patch "Unlimited recording of radio via TrackID" ;Change name record (MR_Rec) on his own. ;(c) -BourNe- ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Changing the length melodies with incoming sms ;Replace time for sms sound. ;(c) svinuk ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Clear message "Phone is ready to work with a computer" ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Clear message "Press Unlock and OK" ;and the message "Now press OK" ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Clear message "Save to" to install Java ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;w910 SW-R1FA037 ;Clear message "The function of dialing up voice is power-on / power-off" ;(c) Alex ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Clear message "The message will be converted to MMS. Continue?" ;(c) Sic ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Clear message: ;"First, write down the team. Burn now?" In standby mode ;"Teams are not recorded. Burn now?" and "voice dialing function included" ;"The function of dialing voice off" ;(c) Sic ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Clear messages about the low charge ;(c) Sic ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Clear off sleep mode when connecting/disconnecting the headset ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Clear window on lock buttons ;Now no delay occurs immediately block ;When locked immediately included sleep ;At no place screensaver ;v. 3 ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Clitie RAM phone ;You can select the start and length merges RAM ;File, "ram.bin" created at "/ card / other" ;(?) den_po ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Cooperation of Player/VideoPlayer/Radio with the Silent mode ;© jamesbond22 ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Delete folder conversations (My Friends) ;© Crystal ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Delete folder ringtones ;© Crystal ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Delete Games Applications from file manager ;(c) diezil ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Delete message "Changed profile:..." ;(c) -=Alex=- ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Enable the transfer of java-applications ;In order to pass Java remove the hidden attribute from a folder on the ams ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Extended character table. Added 33 characters. ;v1.1 ;(c) CyberMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;FM Radio always stereo ;(c) Jockep ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Font color to display a new track is white ;(c) Sic ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Full access to file managers on Java in FS phone ;Attention! Having removed/having moved the necessary files, you can deprive with working capacity phone! ;(c) mobilefree.justdanpo.ru , neoDimm ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Hide red phone icon in the status bar when the whitelist / blacklist included ;(c) hippy dave ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Icon of incoming calls forwarded ;(c) Sic ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Increase name of the bluetooth to 32 ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) MILAD ;Idea by GVELF aka Kaa Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Lock / Unlock key when pressing "Volume + / -- ;Short touch is not working when running player / radio ;Long pressing works when running player / radio ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(r) 2007KrasH ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Management of FM radio on your keyPad ;#-Turn Off ;7-Track-id ;9-RDS ;5-Channel selection ;2-Volume + ;8-Volume - ;4-The previous channel ;6-The next channel ;0-Move channel ;v.1 ;(c) ilmir5555 ;(r) Joker XT ;(e) MILAD ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Minimum interval for Automatic redial ;Quantity Automatic redial attempts is unlimited ;v. 2 ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Move Acoustic drivers to card/other/sony/acous ;(C) Jockep ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;move tpa/preset/system/desktop/flash to card/other/sony/flash ;(C) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;New Character board ver 2.1 ;Changed characters and added two smiles ;(c) SlaveMaster, Extended 4 Dragoblaztr ;For port first patch line firmware dependent on gfx smiles name byteswamped. ;For change the characters view the win 1251 board and do byteswamped to proper chage. ;(e) Photographer ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Now java is installed in the phone's memory by default ;Ver 2 Fix ;(c) McG ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Office player and radio through Headsets ;One pressing - next song / station ;Two or more clicks - turning off the player / radio ;If not included radio or player, pressing includes that set the button music ;(!)You need to include voice dialing ;(!)HeapShift ;v.4 ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Open files with the extension *. vkp integrated browser as text files instead of *. txt or *. htm ;Ver 2 ;(c) McG ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Opening table of symbols by long pressing key "*" ;You can on/off T9 function by triple pressing key "*" ;(!)HeapShift (0x2A2AC3F4) ;v.2 ;(c) RandoM ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Optimize sound for hpm-70 and other ;(c) JockerXT ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;permanent sms remainder counter ;(c) den_po ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Quick access to the "/tpa" and "/card/system" through activity menu ;Activity Menu -> Internet -> Protected files(Bookmarks) ;(c) demion ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Reduction of KEY-HOLD time ;Example: when writing, you don't need to hold "2" SO long time as before, to get a "2" instead of abc etc... ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910i SW-R1FA037 ;Remove (most of) icon showing the location of the file (memory card / phone) ;next to the name of the file manager ;(c) PSIX ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Remove background on Radio ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Remove "Emergency calls" 911 and 112 when keyboard is locked. ;(c) Joker XT ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Remove icon from video preview ;(c) markross ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Remove icon profile image from statusbar ;© -=Alex=- ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Remove java security restrictions ;(c) the_laser ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Remove new track indicator completely ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Remove Podcast ;(c) MahmudS ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Remove SnoozeAlarm ;Now, when you alarm immediately is disabled ;© IronMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Remove some of your messages with OBEX protocol (MyPhoneExplorer, etc.) ;(c) E1kolyan ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Remove time and icon alarm in standby ;(c) Alex ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Remove "Use now?" After receiving the file ;(c) E1kolyan ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Remove voicerecoreder beep ;v.2 ;(c) SiNgle ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Remove "Warning: loud ringtones could damage your hearing" message when you choose 7-8 volume level in settings. ;(c) SiNgle ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;remove year in date format ;© weltonlin (CHINESE) ;(P) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Removed restrictions on copying of protected files ;Added the ability to rename a jar and jad files ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Replace positions items "Turn off" and "Search" in Radio ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Replacement on / off mode without sound on the on / off FlightMode on the menu, ;called on the button on / off in FlightMode ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Replacing operator on behalf of its ;(c) Sic ;(r) Va_st ;(p) johnliang ;(e) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Restart your phone when you press off duty ;(c) Grinvich ;(r) CyberMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Return to standby by hit and holding Activity key ;(c) Tartes ;(p) markross ;Original idea by Sic Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Reversed colors in sleepmode ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Save backup phone book in a folder named "Other" on the memory card ;(c) McG ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Save messages in Drafts without confirmation ;(c) GVELF a.k.a. Kaa ;(e) MILAD ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Save videos made in VideoDJ as *.mp4 ;(c) Joker XT ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;short showing indicator loudness ;(c) SiNgle ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Shutdown phone by a timer ;(c) Sic ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Smooth change in the volume of retention swing ;Volume changes only while the screen is hanging panel volume ;Raskomentiruyte line to change the display panel ;(c) RandoM ;(i) Marvin ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Sounds at the opening and closing of slider. ;In tpa / preset / system / sound ;Put files slideropen.mp3 and sliderclose.mp3 ;The condition "no sound". ;V 1.3 ;(C) John North ;(P) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Support for Russian WIN-coding of player (ID3), mail, txt files, etc. ;(c) Hussein ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Turn off the player when disconnect the headset ;(c) Sic ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Unlimited recording of radio. ;Recordings are saved in /tpa/temp/ as MR_Rec.amr ;v. 2 ;© jasiek ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-1FA037 ;Vibra in the raising of the tube at the other end in an outgoing call ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Work menu, caused by a button on / off in FlightMode ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Work radio in "Flight Mode" ;(c) CyberMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Work SleepMod'a everywhere except deployed java ;(c) Alex ;(p) MILAD ;Original idea by Sic ;v 2.0 Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Work SleepMod'a only when the keyboard locked ;(c) Alex ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Remove SMS Reply Request ;©IronMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Add icon on the item in the new device in "Bluetooth-> My Device ;© 2007KrasH ;(p) MILAD thx jamesbond22 for some A2 porting all tested and fully worked be happy [ Редактировано milad_a в 7.6.09 19:11 ] |
milad_a: |
07.06.09, 19:12 |
Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Change function right softkey to desire function ;Label wont change! ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Remove messages "Files copied" and "Files moved" ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Deleting folders without confirmation ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Changing the mode the display of the image startup and shutdown ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Show Quick Access Menu by pressing button vol+ ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(r) 2007KrasH ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Change color progress bar of record video ;(c) svinuk ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Change fonts in Camera ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Changing to blue the text "Press 0 for help" ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Changing the background to Blue at the entrance to the Camera ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Change organization items after connecting cable USB ;Now is the order of: Mass storage, Phone mode, Media transfer, Print ;(c) Tartes ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Adds item "Restarting" on on/off Menu ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;KeyCode ;Viewing of hex-numbers of keys in "Service tests/Keyboard" ;(c) ndt ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Add the menu, causing on Quick Access Menu item on/off Bluetooth. ;Compatible with patch "Adds item "Restarting" on Quick Access Menu" ;v.1 fix. ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Replacement on / off mode without sound on the on / off FlightMode on the menu, ;called on the button on / off in FlightMode ;Replacement "Keylock on "Radio" ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(e) MILAD (change some code to replace label of Silent Mode to Flight mode) ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Show also Quick Access Menu by pressing button activity ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Change way to showing Activity Menu ;Now Activity Menu showing like File Manager ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Off Activity-menu ;To use with elf BookManager ;(c) Sic ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Deleting file without confirmation ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) MILAD thx jamebond22 and other ppl for some A2 porting be happy [ Редактировано milad_a в 9.6.09 21:55 ] |
milad_a: |
09.06.09, 21:56 |
Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Add a new item to copy / move files to any folder. ;v2.5 ;(!) Conflicts with the patch "copying / moving files in any folder" IronMaster'a ;(c) Tartes ;(p) MILAD ;Original idea by demion Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Connecting with mode Mass storage without confirmation ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Remove message "Bluetooth ON/OFF" ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Removing Windows "SMS deliverd" in 5 seconds ;v. 1 ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) MILAD |
milad_a: |
11.06.09, 11:54 |
Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Full access to FS phone using OBEX protocol ;For example using Bluetooth (Widcomm), MyPhoneExplorer, etc ... ;Attention! Delete / move the files, you can deprive the working phone! ;Full access to OBEX protocol in FS phone ;For example using Bluetooth (Widcomm), MyPhoneExplorer, etc ... ;Attention! Having removed / having moved the necessary files, you can deprive with working capacity phone! ;Added the ability to copy in a folder (except for Drivers) ;Conclusion 8 folders at once ;v. 2.5 (FIX) ;(c) Zormax ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Do not show discarded in the missed calls ;(c) Sic ;(p) MILAD |
milad_a: |
11.06.09, 14:26 |
Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Hourly sound (in begin of each hour make sound) ;In the folder / tpa / preset / system / sound file to VIDEO.3GP ;(c) Sic ;(p) MILAD |
milad_a: |
12.06.09, 00:43 |
Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Show Radio in fullscreen ;© jamesbond22 ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Leaves on the list of sending only Bluetooth ;v. 1.1 ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) MILAD waiting for patch main : Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Remove DemoMode from Entertainment menu ;(c) diezil ;(p) MILAD |
milad_a: |
15.06.09, 12:00 |
Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Timers for reject and/or mute of incoming call ;Change "XXXXXXXX" to needed time in HEX, or write "00000000" if you dont wanna turn on timer ;Example - 30 sec = 30000 msec = 0x7530 hex = 30750000 ;(c) RandoM ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Sound when start the camera ;Place file camera.mp3 to folder /tpa/preset/system/sound ;(c) 2007KrasH ;(e) jamesbond22 ;(p) MILAD Патч: ;W910 SW-R1FA037 ;Change the colors in FileManager (on view mode 3x3 and 5x5) ;(c) jamesbond22 ;(r) yener90 ;(p) MILAD [ Редактировано milad_a в 15.6.09 12:03 ] |
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