W910 SW-R1FA037 : Патчи A2 : Форум

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16.06.09, 20:28
;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Sound when switching activity of a GPRS network
;To the folder /tpa/preset/system/sound place sounds files gprs0.mp3 and gprs1.mp3
;(i) Heap shift (2A2AC3FB - 2A2AC3FF)
;(c) Sic
;(e) jamesbond22
;(p) MILAD

;W910 SW-R1FA037
;The delayed appearance of soft keys for an incoming call
;(c) Sic
;(p) MILAD

;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Turn off light sensor
;v. 1fix
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) MILAD

[ Редактировано milad_a в 17.6.09 12:34 ]

17.06.09, 12:44
;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Vibra on connect
;(c) IronMaster
;(e) MILAD (change some code to make it work on A2v1!)
;(p) MILAD

;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Vibra at the end of a voice call
;(c) Sic
;(p) MILAD

;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Change some keys function
;At a press can hang something on the event or reassign other function keys
;(c) McG
;(e) MILAD (Add new keys , A2 value)
;Ver 1.0
;18: Suspend mode
;25: shutdown !!!
;26: On/Off menu
;30: Camera
;32: Voice dialing
;45: Locking / rozblokirovka keys
;49: Internet settings
;4A: Reports
;4D: Play/Pause
;52: Walkman
;55: The state of the phone (VOLUME_UP)
;58: The state of the phone (VOLUME_DOWN)
;64: Activity menu
;115D10DE: 26 xx; Short pressing on/off
;115D1160: 25 xx; long pressing on/off
;115D10FA: 55 xx; Short pressing Vol +

17.06.09, 14:18
 thx jamsbond22 , he help me to find correct movl value:

;W910 SW-R1FA037
;SMS in Rapid Access
;© IronMaster
;(p) MILAD

19.06.09, 00:37
;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Dont close on/off menu after select an option
;(c) MILAD
115f384a: DFF797FC C046C046

;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Vibra instead of "goto silent mode" and keylock message
;(c) MILAD
;---------------------------(Silent Mode)-----------------------------------

;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Vibro when switching to a new track (which is hanging a new indicator of the track)
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(e) jamsbond22
;(p) MILAD

[ Редактировано milad_a в 19.6.09 00:49 ]

19.06.09, 11:04
;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Sounds at the opening and closing of slider.
;In /card/other/Sony/Sound/
;Put files slideropen.mp3 and sliderclose.mp3
;The condition "no sound" (v1.3)
;Sounds not plays on Application Video (v1.4)
;V 1.5
;Add vibra!
;change sound folder to /card/other/Sony/Sound/
;(C) John North
;(e) jamsbond22 (v1.4)
;(e) MILAD (v1.5)

20.06.09, 10:07
;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Vibra when connecting / disconnecting the headset
;© MoneyMasteR aka DoCent
;(e) MILAD

;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Vibration instead of "Bluetooth ON/OFF" message
;(!)Roll back patch "Remove message "Bluetooth ON/OFF""
;(c) IronMaster
;(e) MILAD

;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Vibration instead of profile change message
;(!)Roll back patch "Clear message "Profiles :..." when choosing profile"
;(c) IronMaster, Joker XT
;(e) MILAD

25.06.09, 14:26
 Correct Conflict with other patch!

;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Vibration instead of "Bluetooth ON/OFF" message
;(!)Roll back patch "Remove message "Bluetooth ON/OFF""
;(c) IronMaster
;(e) MILAD (Add Vibra) (Correct Conflict with other patch!)
;(p) MILAD

;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Chose the time of back-light
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) MILAD
115D2774: 3075 1027 ;time in hex

25.06.09, 14:27
;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Cursor when sending sms is always the first contact from the list
;contact is not listed, it will be on the "Contacts"
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) MILAD

;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Show "TPA/USER/SYSTEM" and "CARD/SYSTEM" in File Manager
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) MILAD

25.06.09, 14:28
;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Function Play/Pause by short pressing button Walkman
;Long press button Walkman = opening Walkman
;(c) jamesbond22
;(r) 2007KrasH
;(p) MILAD

;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Button Play/Pause work in blocked keyboard
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) MILAD

;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Addition to patch "Volume "-" (long pressing) = click Play/Stop"
;Now the message "Continue playback through speakers?" does not appear
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) MILAD

26.06.09, 22:42
;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Whitelist to blacklist
;(c) SiNgle
;(e) MILAD
10F05351: D1 D0

;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Vibra instead of "Charging" and "fully charged" message
;(c) MILAD

;W910 SW-R1FA037
;Vibra when unlock keypad
;(c) MILAD

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